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Tudor Primary School


Evaluation and Impact of Pupil premium spending April 2016-April 2017


The School’s Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) strategy for April 2016-April 2017 identifies the following aims to overcome barriers to educational achievement for our pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding:

  • To accelerate the progress and improve the attainment of pupils eligible for Pupil premium in order to narrow any gap between non Pupil Premium pupils in school and nationally.
  • To continue the progress made in improving writing and to narrow the gap for PPG pupils in Reading and Maths.
  • To improve access to learning opportunities including to books, trips and workshops
  • To address the barriers of social, emotional and mental health needs which impact on learning, behaviour, confidence and resilience.
  • To address low levels of parental engagement.
  • To address the need to develop parental support skills and confidence.
  • To address the barriers of low attendance, punctuality and disrupted education amongst PPG pupils.


Results from July 2017


Performance of Disadvantaged Pupils at the end of KS2


(ARE=Age related expectations)


National 2017

% of disadvantaged pupils at ARE in Reading



% of other pupils at ARE in Reading



% of disadvantaged pupils at ARE in Writing



% of other pupils at ARE in Writing



% of disadvantaged pupils at ARE in Maths



% of other pupils at ARE in Maths



Disadvantaged pupils progress score in Reading



Other pupils progress score in Reading



Disadvantaged pupils progress score in Writing



Other pupils progress score in Writing



Disadvantaged pupils progress score in Maths



Other pupil progress score in Maths



% of disadvantaged pupils at ARE in R,W,M combined



% of all pupils at ARE in R,W,M combined






Performance of Disadvantaged Pupils at the end of KS1


(ARE=Age related expectations)


National 2017

% of disadvantaged pupils at ARE in Reading



% of other pupils at ARE in Reading



% of disadvantaged pupils at ARE in Writing



% of other pupils at ARE in Writing



% of disadvantaged pupils at ARE in Maths



% of other pupils at ARE in Maths




Total Pupil Premium Spending April 2016-April 2017

The school has allocated its funding based on 99 children who are entitled to Pupil premium funding. Pupil Premium funding is awarded for pupils who have received Free School Meals in the past six years and for children in care or the children of Armed Forces personnel. Amount per pupil - £1320 x99 = £130,680

Pupil Premium Funding



Story hunter – book packs for Y4


Packs of quality text bought for each child in Y4 so that they have a bank of quality text that they can have and read.

End of Year data for current year 4 showed that 66% had not met ARE (3Sec) at the end of year 3.

Subsidised Trips


To assist lower income pupils access to enriching visits and experiences. Subsequent learning is often based on these enriching experiences.

Subsidised Clubs – FootyFun4Kids


Free or subsidised access to Football clubs provided on site by staff qualified and trained to work with primary age pupil. Good for confidence, engagement, cooperation and health.

Beanstalk Reading Helper


Trained reading helpers give selected Y5 PPG children with low Reading ages, additional opportunities to explore text.

Oct/ Feb/Easter booster sessions


Additional booster tuition to Narrow the Gap. This can help compensate for lack of homework facilities and support.

End of Year 5 data (reading) for current year 6 showed that 37% had not met ARE (5Sec), (writing)40%, (maths) 35%

End of year 1 data(reading) for current year 2 showed that 25% had not met ARE (1Sec), (writing) 37%, (maths) 29%

Learning village (annual costs)


Individualised access to scaffolded program of vocabulary and syntax development. This is to accelerate the development of language structures necessary to underpin curricular learning and communication.

EAL Assistant Manager


To manage EAL interventions and full time EAL system administration- Over 95% of our pupils with PPG are EAL either as recent arrivals (within first 2years) or as advanced Bilingual Learners Many of our pupils have multiple language exposure , often as a result of arriving via Europe or other countries. Curricular progress is founded on securing a good grasp of English language structures as soon as possible.

Education city


Subscriptions to provide enhanced access to teaching and learning activities outside of school as any parents do not speak English or have the skills or resources to provide access to such activities.

Homework club – 20 pupils


Pupil and parental responses indicate that optimal conditions for homework may be difficult to achieve unless supported by school homework clubs.

Working with Three Bridges school


Three Bridges is an Outstanding training school. We have been working closely with this training provider on our school priority of raising attainment in Literacy

1:1 reading


In line with our aim to raise the progress and attainment of pupils with PPG in Reading and Literacy, we have committed staff to ensure pupils have additional opportunity to read to an adult individually. Staff have ongoing CPD to develop phonics, fluency, articulation and comprehension.

Full time additional TA for Y5&6


Targeted support to boost learning for Y5/6 pupils focussing on meeting the demands of the New Curriculum and SATS.

End of Year 5 data (reading) for current year 6 showed that 37% had not met ARE (5Sec), (writing)40%, (maths) 35%

Sports Leader LUNCH TIME


Organised support for pupils to achieve positive lunch time experiences and reduce incidences which negatively impact on learning.

Attendance projects (0.5- KH)


Reduce persistent absenteeism and raise attendance of FSM pupils in order to promote progress and attainment at school. Last year FSM pupils had attendance below the desired 96%.

West London Speech & Language (.5)


Language skills are key to communication and learning.

Commissioned SLT provides early intervention in assessing and meeting Speech, Language and Communication Needs of pupils with low baseline levels across the setting. The provision includes training, upskilling whole setting, parent workshops, assessment, reviews etc


Catholic Society


To increase the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of children through Play or Drama therapy. We have had groups of children who have difficulties initiating and sustaining relationships. Group and individual sessions are undertaken with children who have more embedded issues or who may be finding it difficult adjusting to loss/bereavement/acrimonious family breakdown etc Where possible, parents are also engaged in promoting positive relationships with their children in play and communication.

Differentiated phonics groups – 3 TAS EVERY DAY – ONE HOUR


To provide differentiated support to meet the precise needs of KS1 pupils to improve literacy skills early. We have a Phonics pass rate of 83%.

6 - Apprentices Support


Enabling pupils to have regular 1:1 phonic, HFW and reading opportunities – overseen by teacher

Highly Experienced Senior Leader - 40% of post - 2 days pw


An experienced and senior teacher with over 20 yrs experience. To support new staff in delivering, assessing and moderating attainment across the school against the higher expectations of the New Curriculum.


Total Spend April 2016-April 2017 £140,209