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Tudor Primary School


As a school we are committed to safeguarding children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


How do we safeguard children in our daily activities?

In the event that any child discloses something that concerns you or you overhear something that’s makes you suspicious of a child being at risk you must act.


What should you do?

  • Listen carefully – do not interrupt
  • Clarify the facts – do not interrogate
  • Reassure the child
  • Avoid leading questions
  • Do not promise confidentiality
  • Record accurately using the child’s own words


All information MUST to passed on to the child protection officers:


Contact details for Mrs Hafeez (SENCO) - Safeguarding officer


Tel: 0208 571 4818 option 3


Safeguarding is  a  key statutory  responsibility.

It is everyone’s responsibility.

It  is all encompassing  and integral to all parts of school life .

Safeguarding includes the curriculum, staffing, site safety , resources, online usage, health, behaviour, attendance,  recruitment and much more.


Schools are required by law to safeguard against risk and protect children against harm

Our HT , Ms Kalra  also chooses to have our safeguarding externally and independently  audited.

This is to  ensure  rigorous and robust scrutiny.

This time we commissioned our audit from  the  Judicium  Service.

The whole day audit was conducted on 20th October 2022.


It  involved pupils, staff, parents, Governors and systems.

It covered 10 key  Safeguarding areas including management, policies & procedures, training, Curriculum, Single Central Record, child on child abuse, staff  and pupil issues.

The bespoke report  was  positive  .  It looked at 84 points and reported  that we are compliant with statutory guidance and safeguarding best practice. There were many areas of strength and none of non compliance.  The report  also gave us suggestions on developing next steps.  You will see that we will be more responsive to non attendance for example .

The auditor commented on how much of a credit our pupils are and how they were able to articulate online safety awareness in particular.


As always, with your help and cooperation,   we are always looking to improve our school for the benefit of our children.   We welcome your giving us  your comments or  concerns and  we look forward to  working with you in the future and your ongoing support. Thank you ​

To view all Safeguarding polices please click on the link below; 

We have added important links for parents and children to visit if they have any concerns, please click on the links below: