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Tudor Primary School home page

Tudor Primary School

How to apply and Admission Information

We advise all parents to tour our school and see how special it is for yourselves, so you can make an informed decision if the school feels right for your family.  Ealing Council handles all admissions from Reception to Year 6.  


Contact the school office on 020 8571 4818 or alternatively email


To apply to join our school, please use the below link which will take you to the Ealing Council Admissions website where you can apply.

We accommodate children from ages 3 to 11. We are a two form entry school with two classes in each year group.


Tel: (020) 8825 5511 (9am-12pm) or Tel: (020) 8825 6339 (9am-12pm)
Primary Admissions
Ealing Education Services
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL