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Tudor Primary School

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour policy and statement of Behaviour principles



Approved by:

Rachel Gibbons CFCC committee

Date: October 2022

Last reviewed on:

October 2022

Next review due by:

When changes occur



1. Aims                                                                                                                         

2. Legislation, statutory requirements and statutory guidance                                     

3. Definitions                                                                                                                                             

4. Bullying                                                                                                                                                 

5. Roles and responsibilities                                                                                                                       

6. School behaviour curriculum                                                                                                                   

7. Responding to behaviour                                                                                                                        

8. Serious sanctions                                                                                                                                 

9. Responding to misbehaviour from pupils with SEND                                                                               

10. Supporting pupils following a sanction                                                                                                  

11. Pupil transition                                                                                                                                   

12. Training                                                                                                                                             

13. Monitoring arrangements                                                                                                                    

14. Links with other policies                                                                                                                      

Appendix 1: written statement of behaviour principles                                                                                 

Appendix 2: Good to Be Green System                                                                                                     

Appendix 3: behaviour log                                                                                                                        

Appendix 4: letters to parents about pupil behaviour - templates                                                                 




1. Aims

This policy aims to:

  • Create a positive culture that promotes excellent behaviour, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to learn in a calm, safe and supportive environment
  • Establish a whole-school approach to maintaining high standards of behaviour that reflect the values of the school
  • Outline the expectations and consequences of behaviour
  • Provide a consistent approach to behaviour management that is applied equally to all pupils
  • Define what we consider to be unacceptable behaviour, including bullying and discrimination


2. Legislation, statutory requirements and statutory guidance

This policy is based on legislation and advice from the Department for Education (DfE) on:

It is also based on the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice.

In addition, this policy is based on:

  • Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, which outlines a school’s duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of its pupils
  • Sections 88 to 94 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, which requires schools to regulate pupils’ behaviour and publish a behaviour policy and written statement of behaviour principles, and give schools the authority to confiscate pupils’ property
  • DfE guidance explaining that maintained schools must publish their behaviour policy online


3. Definitions

Positive Behaviour : Behaviour which is good and complies with the our rules and with our Behaviour Principles ( Appendix 1)

Misbehaviour is defined as:

  • Disruptive or distractive behaviour  during school time  and during school activities which may be offsite or out of hours.
  • Disrespectful or deliberately hurtful physical and verbal  behaviour  to others eg name calling, rudeness , inappropriate language , spitting, , pushing etc
  • Non-completion of classwork or homework
  • Deliberate non compliance worn opposition with staff  instructions and school expectations
  • Misappropriation or  minor misuse  of property
  • Carrying/using mobile phones or technology without permission or inappropriately
  • Deliberately not following AUP/  school policy on use of technology
  • Misuse or minor damage to property or resources


Serious misbehaviour or highly inappropriate behaviour  or abuse ( please also see SG policy and Online Safety Policy)  is defined as:

  • Repeated or serious  breaches of the school rules
  • Unsafe and dangerous behaviour
  • Violent and seriously aggressive or threatening behaviour;
  • Disruption in lessons, in corridors between lessons,  at breaktimes, lunchtimes and hometime
  • Non-completion of classwork or homework
  • Poor attitude
  • Racist, sexist, homophobic or discriminatory behaviour on line and offline
  • Any form of bullying
  • Sexual violence or sexual harassment, including sexual comments, “jokes “, threatening or taunting
  • Sexual harassment, meaning unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, such as:
  • Sexual comments
  • Sexual jokes or taunting
  • Physical behaviour like inappropriate   touching, gesturing  , interfering with clothes etc
  • Online sexual harassment such as unwanted sexual comments and messages (including on social media), sharing of nude or semi-nude images and/or videos, or sharing of unwanted explicit content
  • Misuse, vandalism and damage to property
  • Theft
  • Fighting
  • Smoking
  • Carrying, possessing  or using prohibited  items including any article a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil)
  • Possession of any prohibited items include ::
  • Knives or weapons
  • Alcohol
  • Illegal drugs
  • Stolen items
  • Tobacco and cigarette papers
  • Fireworks
  • Pornographic images
  • Threatening, encouraging or enabling anyone to do the above


4. Bullying

  • Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of 1 person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.
  • We firmly believe that bullying is a serious breach of the school’s Behaviour Policy and ethos and  will NOT be tolerated. 
  • Pupils, parents and staff need to be clear about what bullying is and what we intend to do when it occurs.
  • We know that from time to time pupils will be upset and so we prepare pupils for life outside of school by developing resilience and the tools to deal with disagreements, differences of opinion and disappointments
  • Bullying   repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behaviour over a period of time, by a person or group, directed towards others that is intended to cause harm, distress or fear. * Definitions of Online abuse include single incidents as they can  be forwarded /shared



Bullying is, therefore:

  • Deliberately hurtful
  • Repeated, often over a period of time
  • Difficult to defend against



Bullying can include:




Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting


Hitting, kicking, pushing, taking another’s belongings, any use of violence

Prejudice-based and discriminatory, including:

  • Racial
  • Faith-based
  • Gendered (sexist)
  • Homophobic/biphobic
  • Transphobic
  • Disability-based

Taunts, gestures, graffiti or physical abuse focused on a particular characteristic (e.g. gender, race, sexuality)


Explicit sexual remarks, display of sexual material, sexual gestures, unwanted physical attention, comments about sexual reputation or performance, or inappropriate touching

Direct or indirect verbal

Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing


Bullying that takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites


  • We cannot guarantee that bullying will not occur but where it does it will be dealt with!
  • Pupils are encouraged to tell someone if they are worried or if anyone is unkind to them
  • Parents/carers should report concerns to staff to be investigated.
  • Staff are alert


How will we deal with bullying?

  • By raising awareness of how to recognize, report and respond to incidents of bullying :
  • Pupils are made aware of the school’s approach to bullying in a number of ways: Bullying is part of the school rota of assembly themes.
  • There are a number of activities organized every year during Anti Bullying/ aka “Friendship” week  to raise the awareness of how to recognize and respond to bullying.
  • This is reinforced in the PSHE curriculum and the Safeguarding elements across the school eg training, E-Safety etc
  • The Headteacher is informed of all instances of bullying. There will be an appropriate response to deal with the bully and the pupil being bullied.



Responses to bullying may include:

  • Incidents are investigated
  • The teacher or senior staff making a note of the incident and keeping a close eye on the child;
  • The bully facing consequences;
  • The bully may receive some behaviour support and be closely monitored;
  • The teacher or head teacher talking to the parents of the bully and the child that has been bullied;
  • A record being kept by the head teacher;
  • The school making sure that the child that is being bullied feels supported.
  • The teacher or head teacher talking to the parents of the bully and the child that has been bullied
  • Bullying records will be monitored for patterns and appropriate action taken to reduce the contributory factors.


5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 The governing board

The  Governing Body via CFCC ( Children, Families and Community Committee )  is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and approving the written statement of behaviour principles (appendix 1)
  • Reviewing this behaviour policy in conjunction with the headteacher
  • Monitoring the policy’s effectiveness
  • Holding the headteacher to account for its implementation

5.2 The headteacher

The headteacher is responsible for:

  • Reviewing this policy in conjunction with the The  Governing Body via CFCC( Children,  Families and Community Committee )    giving due consideration to the school’s statement of behaviour principles (appendix 1)
  • Approving this policy
  • Ensuring that the school environment encourages positive behaviour 
  • Ensuring that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour
  • Monitoring that the policy is implemented by staff consistently with all groups of pupils
  • Ensuring that all staff understand the behavioural expectations and the importance of maintaining them
  • Providing new staff with a clear induction into the school’s behavioural culture to ensure they understand its rules and routines, and how best to support all pupils to participate fully
  • Offering appropriate training in behaviour management, and the impact of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and mental health needs on behaviour, to any staff who require it, so they can fulfil their duties set out in this policy
  • Ensuring this policy works alongside the safeguarding policy to offer pupils both sanctions and support when necessary
  • Ensuring that the data from the behaviour log is reviewed regularly, to make sure that no groups of pupils are being disproportionately impacted by this policy (see section 13.1)



5.3 Teachers and staff

Staff are responsible for:

  • Creating a calm and safe environment for pupils
  • Establishing and maintaining clear boundaries of acceptable pupil behaviour 
  • Implementing the behaviour policy consistently
  • Communicating the school’s expectations, routines, values and standards through teaching behaviour and in every interaction with pupils
  • Modelling expected behaviour and positive relationships
  • Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils
  • Considering their own behaviour on the school culture and how they can uphold school rules and expectations
  •  Recording behaviour incidents promptly (see appendix 3 for a behaviour log)
  • Challenging pupils to meet the school’s expectations

The senior leadership team (SLT) will support staff in responding to behaviour incidents.

5.4 Parents and carers

Parents and carers, where possible, should:

  • Get to know the school’s behaviour policy and reinforce it at home where appropriate 
  • Support their child in adhering to the school’s behaviour policy
  • Inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour
  • Discuss any behavioural concerns with the class teacher promptly
  • Take part in any pastoral work following misbehaviour (for example: attending reviews of specific behaviour interventions)
  • Raise any concerns about the management of behaviour with the school directly, whilst continuing to work in partnership with the school
  • Take part in the life of the school and its culture

The school will endeavour to build a positive relationship with parents and carers by keeping them informed about developments in their child's behaviour and the school’s policy, and working in collaboration with them to tackle behavioural issues.

    1. Pupils 
  • Pupils will be supported to meet the behaviour standards and will be provided with repeated induction sessions wherever appropriate.
  • Pupils will be supported to develop an understanding of the school’s behaviour policy and wider culture.
  • Pupils will be asked to give feedback on their experience of the behaviour culture to support the evaluation, improvement and implementation of the behaviour policy.
  • Extra support and induction will be provided for pupils who are mid-phase arrivals


Pupils will be made aware of the following during their induction into the behaviour culture:

  • The expected standard of behaviour they should be displaying at school
  • That they have a duty to follow the behaviour policy
  • The school’s key rules and routines
  • The rewards they can earn for meeting the behaviour standard, and the consequences they will face if they don’t meet the standard
  • The pastoral support that is available to them to help them meet the behavioural standards



6. School behaviour curriculum

Our  Written Statement of Behaviour Principles ( Appendix 1), our pupil Acceptable Use Policy , and  Tudor School rules   inform expectations of good behaviour

At Tudor Primary  School we use the Good To Be Green Behaviour System  - please see Appendix 2 for details 


Tudor School  Rules – staff  will  induct pupils to these in age  appropriate language with examples






Pupils are expected to:

  • Behave in an orderly and self-controlled way
  • Show respect to members of staff and each other
  • In class, make it possible for all pupils to learn
  • Move quietly around the school
  • Treat the school buildings and school property with respect
  • Wear the correct uniform at all times
  • Accept sanctions when given
  • Refrain from behaving in a way that brings the school into disrepute, including when outside school or online

Where appropriate and reasonable, adjustments may be made to routines within the curriculum to ensure all pupils can meet behavioural expectations in the curriculum.


6.1 Mobile phones

  • Pupils must comply with the Acceptable Use  Policy document  (explained at age appropriate levels to children)
  • Pupils must follow Online Safety rules – see Online Safety policy and curriculum
  • Pupils must not carry or use mobile phones at school.
  • Pupils cannot bring  personal devices such as phones to  school without prior  agreement  and arrangement between parent and school.
  • Once on site, the mobile phone must be given to the office for safekeeping  until home time.


7. Responding to behaviour

7.1 Classroom management

Teaching and support staff are responsible for setting the tone and context for positive behaviour within the school.

They will:

  • Create and maintain a stimulating environment that encourages pupils to be engaged
  • Induct and enforce  the school Good to be Green behaviour system and rules consistently.
  • Develop a positive relationship with pupils, which may include:
    • Greeting pupils in the morning/at the start of lessons
    • Establishing clear routines
    • Communicating expectations of behaviour in ways other than verbally
    • Highlighting and promoting good behaviour
    • Concluding the day positively and starting the next day afresh
    • Having a plan for dealing with low-level disruption
    • Using positive reinforcement

7.2 Safeguarding

7.3 Responding to good behaviour :  Please see Good to be Green System (Appendix 2)

  • When a pupil’s behaviour meets or goes above and beyond the expected behaviour standard, staff will recognise it with positive recognition and reward.
  • This provides an opportunity for all staff to reinforce the school’s culture and ethos.
  • Positive reinforcements and rewards will be applied clearly and fairly to reinforce the routines, expectations and norms of the school’s behaviour culture.


  • Positive behaviour will be reinforced  with rewards  which  could include :
  • Praise and recognition  in front of the class  or in assemblies etc
  • Stickers , stars , class points  certificates etc ,
  • Class system of rewards eg prize box
  • A positive note or Good to be Green note sent home by the teacher
  • Opportunity to show work to senior staff
  • Special responsibilities/privileges  eg monitors, buddy for new pupils etc
  • Sanctions ( please see section on Behaviour Management below)


7.4 Responding to misbehaviour : Please see Good to be Green System (Appendix 2)

  • When a pupil’s behaviour falls below the standard that can reasonably be expected of them, staff will respond in order to restore a calm and safe learning environment, and to prevent recurrence of misbehaviour. 
  • Staff will endeavour to create a predictable environment by always challenging behaviour that falls short of the standards, and by responding in a consistent, fair and proportionate manner, so pupils know with certainty that misbehaviour will always be addressed.
  • De-escalation techniques can be used to help prevent further behaviour issues arising, such as the use of pre-arranged scripts and phrases.
  • All pupils will be treated equitably under the policy, with any factors that contributed to the behavioural incident identified and taken into account.
  • When giving behaviour sanctions, staff will also consider what support could be offered to a pupil to help them to meet behaviour standards in the future.
  • The school may use 1 or more of the following sanctions in response to unacceptable behaviour:
  • Sending the pupil out of the class
  • A verbal reprimand and reminder of the expectations of behaviour
  • Setting of written tasks such as an account of their behaviour
  • Expecting work to be completed at home, or at break or lunchtime
  • Missing   break or lunchtime  minutes ,
  • School-based community service, such as tidying a classroom
  • Referring the pupil to a senior member of staff
  • Communication with  parents
  • Agreeing a behaviour contract or system  behaviour system eg “checking in “
  • Removal of the pupil from the classroom
  • Internal exclusion / Time Out
  • Exclusions, in the most serious of circumstances


Personal circumstances of the pupil will be taken into account when choosing sanctions and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, but with regard to the impact on perceived fairness.


7.5 Reasonable force

Reasonable force covers a range of interventions that involve physical contact with pupils. All members of staff have a duty to use reasonable force, in the following circumstances, to prevent a pupil from:

  • Causing disorder
  • Hurting themselves or others p
  • Damaging property
  • Committing an offence

Incidents of reasonable force must:

  • Always be used as a last resort
  • Be applied using the minimum amount of force and for the minimum amount of time possible
  • Be used in a way that maintains the safety and dignity of all concerned
  • Never be used as a form of punishment
  • Be recorded and reported to parents (see appendix 3 for a behaviour log)

When considering using reasonable force, staff should, in considering the risks, carefully recognise any specific vulnerabilities of the pupil, including SEND, mental health needs or medical conditions. Tudor School has several Team Teach  positive handling trained staff.

7.6 Confiscation, searches, screening  

Searching, screening and confiscation is conducted in line with the DfE’s latest guidance on searching, screening and confiscation.


  • Any prohibited items (listed in section 3) found in a pupil’s possession as a result of a search will be confiscated. These items will not be returned to the pupil.
  • We will also confiscate any item that is harmful or detrimental to school discipline. These items will be returned to pupils after discussion with senior leaders and parents, if appropriate.

Searching a pupil

  • Searches will only be carried out by a member of staff who has been authorised to do so by the headteacher, or by the headteacher themselves.
  • Subject to the exception below, the authorised member of staff carrying out the search will be of the same sex as the pupil, and there will be another member of staff present as a witness to the search.
  • An authorised member of staff of a different sex to the pupil can carry out a search without another member of staff as a witness if:
  • The authorised member of staff carrying out the search reasonably believes there is risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if the search is not carried out as a matter of urgency; and
  • In the time available, it is not reasonably practicable for the search to be carried out by a member of staff who is the same sex as the pupil; or
  • It is not reasonably practicable for the search to be carried out in the presence of another member of staff




  • When an authorised member of staff conducts a search without a witness they should immediately report this to another member of staff, and ensure a written record of the search is kept.
  • If the authorised member of staff considers a search to be necessary, but is not required urgently, they will seek the advice of the headteacher, designated safeguarding lead (or deputy) or pastoral member of staff who may have more information about the pupil. During this time the pupil will be supervised and kept away from other pupils.
  • A search can be carried out if the authorised member of staff has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil is in possession of a prohibited item or any item identified in the school rules for which a search can be made, or if the pupil has agreed.
  • An appropriate location for the search will be found. Where possible, this will be away from other pupils. The search will only take place on the school premises or where the member of staff has lawful control or charge of the pupil, for example on a school trip.

Before carrying out a search the authorised member of staff will:

  • Assess whether there is an urgent need for a search
  • Assess whether not doing the search would put other pupils or staff at risk
  • Consider whether the search would pose a safeguarding risk to the pupil
  • Explain to the pupil why they are being searched
  • Explain to the pupil what a search entails – e.g. I will ask you to turn out your pockets and remove your scarf
  • Explain how and where the search will be carried out
  • Give the pupil the opportunity to ask questions
  • Seek the pupil’s co-operation
  • If the pupil refuses to agree to a search, the member of staff can give an appropriate behaviour sanction.
  • If they still refuse to co-operate, the member of staff will contact the select appropriate [headteacher / designated safeguarding lead (or deputy) / pastoral lead], to try and determine why the pupil is refusing to comply.
  • The authorised member of staff will then decide whether to use reasonable force to search the pupil. This decision will be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration whether conducting the search will prevent the pupil harming themselves or others, damaging property or from causing disorder.
  • The authorised member of staff can use reasonable force to search for any prohibited items identified in section 3, but not to search for items that are only identified in the school rules.
  • The authorised member of staff may use a metal detector to assist with the search.


An authorised member of staff may search a pupil’s outer clothing, pockets, possessions, desks or lockers.

Outer clothing includes:

  • Any item of clothing that is not worn immediately over a garment that is being worn wholly next to the skin or being worn as underwear (e.g. a jumper or jacket being worn over a t-shirt)
  • Hats, scarves, gloves, shoes, boots

Searching pupils’ possessions

Possessions means any items that the pupil has or appears to have control of, including:

  • Desks
  • Lockers
  • Bags
  • A pupil’s possessions can be searched for any item if the pupil agrees to the search. If the pupil does not agree to the search, staff can still carry out a search for prohibited items (listed in section 3) and items identified in the school rules.
  • An authorised member of staff can search a pupil’s possessions when the pupil and another member of staff are present.
  • If there is a serious risk of harm if the search is not conducted immediately, or it is not reasonably practicable to summon another member of staff, the search can be carried out by a single authorised member of staff.

Informing the designated safeguarding lead (DSL)

The staff member who carried out the search should inform the DSL without delay:

  • Of any incidents where the member of staff had reasonable grounds to suspect a pupil was in possession of a prohibited item as listed in section 3
  • If they believe that a search has revealed a safeguarding risk
  • All searches for prohibited items (listed in section 3), including incidents where no items were found, will be recorded in the school’s safeguarding system.

Informing parents

  • Parents will always be informed of any search for a prohibited item (listed in section 3). A member of staff will tell the parents as soon as is reasonably practicable:
  • What happened
  • What was found, if anything
  • What has been confiscated, if anything
  • What action the school has taken, including any sanctions that have been applied to their child

Support after a search

  • Irrespective of whether any items are found as the result of any search, the school will consider whether the pupil may be suffering or likely to suffer harm and whether any specific support is needed (due to the reasons for the search, the search itself, or the outcome of the search).
  • If this is the case, staff will follow the school’s safeguarding policy and speak to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL). The DSL will consider if pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to children’s social care is appropriate.

Strip searches

  • The authorised member of staff’s power to search outlined above does not enable them to conduct a strip search (removing more than the outer clothing)
  • Strip searches on school premises shall only be carried out by police officers in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) Code C. 
  • Before calling the police into school, staff will assess and balance the risk of a potential strip search on the pupil’s mental and physical wellbeing and the risk of not recovering the suspected item.
  • Staff will consider whether introducing the potential for a strip search through police involvement is absolutely necessary, and will always ensure that other appropriate, less invasive approaches have been exhausted first.
  • Once the police are on school premises, the decision on whether to conduct a strip search lies solely with them. The school will advocate for the safety and wellbeing of the pupil(s) involved.
  • Staff retain a duty of care to the pupil involved and should advocate for pupil wellbeing at all times.


Communication and record-keeping

  • Where reasonably possible and unless there is an immediate risk of harm, staff will contact at least 1 of the pupil’s parents to inform them that the police are going to strip search the pupil before strip search takes place, and ask them if they would like to come into school to act as the pupil’s appropriate adult.
  • If the school can’t get in touch with the parents, or they aren’t able to come into school to act as the appropriate adult, a member of staff can act as the appropriate adult (see below for the role of the appropriate adult).
  • The pupil’s parents will always be informed by a staff member once a strip search has taken place. The school will keep records of strip searches that have been conducted on school premises, and monitor them for any trends that emerge.

Who will be present

  • For any strip search that involves exposure of intimate body parts, there will be at least 2 people present other than the pupil, except in urgent cases where there is risk of serious harm to the pupil or others.

One of these must be the appropriate adult, except if

  • The pupil explicitly states in the presence of an appropriate adult that they do not want an appropriate adult to be present during the search, and
  • The appropriate adult agrees

If this is the case, a record will be made of the pupil’s decision and it will be signed by the appropriate adult.

No more than 2 people other than the pupil and appropriate adult will be present, except in the most exceptional circumstances[1] [2] .

The appropriate adult will:

  • Act to safeguard the rights, entitlement and welfare of the pupil
  • Not be a police officer or otherwise associated with the police
  • Not be the headteacher
  • Be of the same sex as the pupil, unless the pupil specifically requests an adult who is not of the same sex

Except for an appropriate adult of a different sex if the pupil specifically requests it, no one of a different sex will be permitted to be present and the search will not be carried out anywhere where the pupil could be seen by anyone else.

Care after a strip search


  • After any strip search, the pupil will be given appropriate support, irrespective of whether any suspected item is found.
  • The pupil will also be given the opportunity to express their views about the strip search and the events surrounding it.
  • As with other searches, the school will consider whether the pupil may be suffering or likely to suffer harm and whether any further specific support is needed (due to the reasons for the search, the search itself, or the outcome of the search).
  • Staff will follow the school’s safeguarding policy and speak to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL). The DSL will consider if, in addition to pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to children’s social care is appropriate.
  • Any pupil(s) who have been strip searched more than once and/or groups of pupils who may be more likely to be subject to strip searching will be given particular consideration, and staff will consider any preventative approaches that can be taken.



7.7 Off-site misbehaviour

  • Sanctions may be applied where a pupil has misbehaved off-site when representing the school. This means misbehaviour when the pupil is:
  •  Taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity (e.g. school trips)
  •   Travelling to or from school
  •   Wearing school uniform
  •   In any other way identifiable as a pupil of our school
  • Sanctions may also be applied where a pupil has misbehaved off-site, at any time, whether or not the conditions above apply, if the misbehaviour:
  •  Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school
  •   Poses a threat to another pupil 
  •   Could adversely affect the reputation of the school
  • Sanctions will only be given out on school premises or elsewhere when the pupil is under the lawful control of a staff member (e.g. on a school-organised trip).

7.8 Online misbehaviour

  • The school can issue behaviour sanctions to pupils for online misbehaviour when:
  • It poses a threat or causes harm to another pupil
  • It could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school
  • It adversely affects the reputation of the school
  • The pupil is identifiable as a member of the school
  • Sanctions will only be given out on school premises or elsewhere when the pupil is under the lawful control of a staff member.

7.9 Suspected criminal behaviour

  • If a pupil is suspected of criminal behaviour, the school will make an initial assessment of whether to report the incident to the police. 
  • When establishing the facts, the school will endeavour to preserve any relevant evidence to hand over to the police.
  • If a decision is made to report the matter to the police, the headteacher / member of the senior leadership team  will make the report.
  • The school will not interfere with any police action taken. However, the school may continue to follow its own investigation procedure and enforce sanctions, as long as it does not conflict with police action.
  • If a report to the police is made, the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) will make a tandem report to children’s social care, if appropriate.

7.10 Zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment and sexual violence

  • The school will ensure that all incidents of sexual harassment and/or violence are met with a suitable response, and never ignored.
  • Pupils are encouraged to report anything that makes them uncomfortable, no matter how ‘small’ they feel it might be.
  • The school’s response will be:
  •   Proportionate
  •   Considered
  •   Supportive
  •   Decided on a case-by-case basis
  • The school has procedures in place to respond to any allegations or concerns regarding a child’s safety or wellbeing. These include clear processes for:
  • Responding to a report including discussion with Social Care
  • Carrying out risk assessments, where appropriate, to help determine whether to:
    • Manage the incident internally
    • Refer to early help
    • Refer to children’s social care
    • Report to the police

Please refer to our Safeguarding and Child Protection  policy for more information

7.11 Malicious allegations

  • Where a pupil makes an allegation against a member of staff and that allegation is shown to have been deliberately invented or malicious, the school will consider whether to discipline the pupil in accordance with this policy.
  • Where a pupil makes an allegation of sexual violence or sexual harassment against another pupil and that allegation is shown to have been deliberately invented or malicious, the school will consider whether to discipline the pupil in accordance with this policy.
  • In all cases where an allegation is determined to be unsubstantiated, unfounded, false or malicious, the school (in collaboration with the local authority designated officer (LADO), where relevant) will consider whether the pupil who made the allegation is in need of help, or the allegation may have been a cry for help. If so, a referral to children’s social care may be appropriate.
  • The school will also consider the pastoral needs of staff and pupils accused of misconduct.
  • Please refer to our Safeguarding and Child Protection  policy and the appendices for more information on responding to allegations of abuse against staff or other pupils.


8. Serious sanctions 

8.1 Detention

  • All members of staff have been authorised by the headteacher to  give pupils detentions.
  • Pupils can be issued with detentions of up to 20 minutes during  lunch time .
  • The school will decide whether it is necessary to inform the pupil’s parents. 
  • When imposing a detention, the school will consider whether doing so would:
  • Compromise the pupil’s safety
  • Conflict with a medical appointment
  • Prevent the pupil from getting home safely
  • Interrupt the pupil’s caring responsibilities

8.2 Removal from classrooms

  • In response to serious or persistent breaches of this policy, the school may remove the pupil from the classroom for a limited time.
  • Pupils who have been removed will continue to receive education under the supervision of a member of staff that is meaningful, but it may differ from the mainstream curriculum.
  • Removal is a serious sanction and will only be used in response to serious misbehaviour. Staff will only remove pupils from the classroom once other behavioural strategies have been attempted, unless the behaviour is so extreme as to warrant immediate removal.
  • Removal can be used to:
  • Restore order if the pupil is being unreasonably disruptive
  • Maintain the safety of all pupils
  • Allow the disruptive pupil to continue their learning in a managed environment
  • Allow the disruptive pupil to regain calm in a safe space
  • Pupils will not be removed from classrooms for prolonged periods of time without the explicit agreement of the headteacher.
  • Pupils should be reintegrated into the classroom as soon as appropriate and safe to do so. The school will consider what support is needed to help a pupil successfully reintegrate into the classroom and meet the expected standards of behaviour.  
  • Parents will be informed on the same day that their child is removed from the classroom.
  • The school will consider an alternative approach to behaviour management for pupils who are frequently removed from class, such as :
  • Meetings with assigned staff , pastoral support and parents
  • Use of teaching assistants
  • Short term behaviour plans
  • Long term behaviour plans
  • Engaging with local partners and agencies to address specific challenges such as poor anger management, a lack of resilience, and difficulties with peer relationships and social skills
  • Referral to and support from other agencies eg Play Therapy, Clips, MHST, Primary Behaviour Service etc
  • Pupil support units
  • Multi-agency assessment
  • Staff will record all incidents of removal from the classroom along with details of the incident that led to the removal, and any protected characteristics of the pupil in the behaviour log.

8.3 Suspension and permanent exclusions


9. Responding to misbehaviour from pupils with SEND

9.1 Recognising the impact of SEND on behaviour

  • The school recognises that pupils’ behaviour may be impacted by a special educational need or disability (SEND).
  • When incidents of misbehaviour arise, we will consider them in relation to a pupil’s SEND, although we recognise that not every incident of misbehaviour will be connected to their SEND. Decisions on whether a pupil’s SEND had an impact on an incident of misbehaviour will be made on a case-by-case basis. 
  • When dealing with misbehaviour from pupils with SEND, especially where their SEND affects their behaviour, the school will balance their legal duties when making decisions about enforcing the behaviour policy. The legal duties include:
  • Taking reasonable steps to avoid causing any substantial disadvantage to a disabled pupil caused by the school’s policies or practices (Equality Act 2010)
  • Using our best endeavours to meet the needs of pupils with SEND (Children and Families Act 2014)
  • If a pupil has an education, health and care (EHC) plan, the provisions set out in that plan must be secured and the school must co-operate with the local authority and other bodies
  • As part of meeting these duties, the school will anticipate, as far as possible, all likely triggers of misbehaviour, and put in place support to prevent these from occurring.
  • Any preventative measures will take into account the specific circumstances and requirements of the pupil concerned.
  • These  may include :
  • Check in or Airlock Time to allow for emotional regulation and  de-escalation
  • Short, planned movement breaks for a pupil with SEND who finds it difficult to sit still for long
  • Adjusting seating plans
  • Adjusting uniform requirements for a pupil with sensory issues
  • Training for staff in understanding conditions such as autism, attachment,
  • Use of separation spaces (sensory zones or nurture rooms) where pupils can regulate their emotions during a moment of sensory overload
  • Support from support agencies eg  MHST+, Primary Behaviour Service etc


9.2 Adapting sanctions for pupils with SEND

  • When considering a behavioural sanction for a pupil with SEND, the school will take into account:
  • Whether the pupil was unable to understand the rule or instruction? 
  • Whether the pupil was unable to act differently at the time as a result of their SEND? 
  • Whether the pupil is likely to behave aggressively due to their particular SEND? 
  • The school will then assess if it is appropriate to use a sanction and if so, whether any reasonable adjustments need to be made to the sanction.

9.3 Considering whether a pupil displaying challenging behaviour may have unidentified SEND

  • The school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) may evaluate a pupil who exhibits challenging behaviour to determine whether they have any underlying needs that are not currently being met.
  • Where necessary, support and advice will also be sought from specialist teachers, an educational psychologist, medical practitioners and/or others, to identify or support specific needs.
  • When acute needs are identified in a pupil, we will liaise with external agencies and plan support programmes for that child. We will work with parents to create the plan and review it on a regular basis.

9.4 Pupils with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan

  • The provisions set out in the EHC plan must be secured and the school will co-operate with the local authority and other bodies.
  • If the school has a concern about the behaviour of a pupil with an EHC plan, it will make contact with the local authority to discuss the issue. If appropriate, the school may request an emergency review of the EHC plan. ( Ealing Council, Perceval House, 14/16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 2HL)


10. Supporting pupils following a sanction

  • Following a sanction, the school will consider strategies to help pupils to understand how to improve their behaviour and meet the expectations of the school.
  • This could include measures like:
    • Reintegration meetings
    • Behaviour Chart system
    • Pastoral Support



11. Pupil transition

11.1 Inducting incoming pupils

The school will support incoming pupils to meet behaviour standards by offering an induction process to familiarise them with the behaviour policy and the wider school culture.

11.2 Preparing outgoing pupils for transition

  • To ensure a smooth transition to the next year, pupils have transition sessions with their new teacher(s). In addition, staff members hold transition meetings.
  • To ensure behaviour is continually monitored and the right support is in place, information related to pupil behaviour issues may be transferred to relevant staff at the start of the term or year.


 12. Training

Staff are provided with regular training on managing behaviour, including training on:

  • Quality first teaching and the needs of the pupils at the school
  • How SEND and mental health needs impact behaviour
  • Positive Handling
  • Behaviour management will also form part of continuing professional development.



13. Monitoring arrangements

13.1 Monitoring and evaluating school behaviour

  • The school will collect data on the following:
  • Behavioural incidents
  • Attendance, permanent exclusion and suspension 
  • Use of pupil support units, off-site directions and managed moves
  • Incidents of searching, screening and confiscation
  • The school will analysis the information  to make sure it is meeting its duties under the Equality Act 2010.
  • If any trends or disparities between groups of pupils are identified by this analysis, the school will review its policies to tackle it.

13.2 Monitoring this policy

  • This behaviour policy will be reviewed by the headteacher and the Children, Family and Community Committee (CFCC)  as needed to address findings from the regular monitoring of the behaviour data (as per section 13.1). At each review, the policy will be approved by the CFCC.
  • The written statement of behaviour principles (appendix 1) will be reviewed and approved by the Children, Family and Community Committee  (CFCC) as needed.

14. Links with other policies

This behaviour policy is linked to the following policies

  • Child protection and safeguarding policy
  • Positive Handling policy
  • Exclusions guidance
  • Mobile phone policy


Appendix 1: Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

  • Every pupil understands they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and to be able to learn free from the disruption of others
  • All pupils, parents/carers,  staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination
  • Staff ,volunteers and parents/carers   set an excellent example to pupils at all times
  • Rewards, sanctions and reasonable force are used consistently by staff, in line with the behaviour policy
  • The behaviour policy is understood by pupils, parents/carers  and staff
  • The  linked exclusions guidance explains that exclusions will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved in suspensions and exclusions
  • Pupils are helped to take responsibility for their actions
  • Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and pupils’ home life.
  •  The governing board also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.


This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the Children, Families and Community Committee and changed as  required.



Appendix 2:  Good to be Green System

  • This positive behaviour system is based on traffic light coding.
  • Each child starts on a Green position which denotes good behaviour.
  • Good behaviour is rewarded and poor behaviour choices have consequences.
  • It is important to reward children who are following the school rules by recognising and rewarding good behaviour.


Positive behaviour will be reinforced  with rewards  which  could include :

  • Praise and recognition  in front of the class  or in assemblies etc
  • Stickers , stars , class points  certificates etc ,
  • Class system of rewards eg prize box
  • A positive note or Good to be Green note sent home by the teacher
  • Opportunity to show work to senior staff
  • Special responsibilities/privileges  eg monitors, buddy for new pupils etc
  • Sanctions ( please see section on Behaviour Management below)






Strategies to avoid exclusion may include:

  • Daily communication with parents to monitor behaviour and inform of progress;
  • Weekly communication with parents to monitor behaviour and inform of progress;
  • Lunchtime exclusions (only to be authorised by the head or deputy in her absence);
  • Playtime exclusions as a consequence of poor behaviour choices;
  • A Behaviour Plan; including  rewards, consequences etc
  • Referral to a Behaviour Support service for advice and guidance;
  • Behaviour Cards;
  • Fixed term exclusion (only to be authorised by the head or deputy in her absence);
  • Asking the parent to remain on school site to assist with behavioural problems;
  • Part time education for a fixed time (only to be authorised by the head or deputy in her absence).



There may be occasions where External Exclusions will be warranted.

Tudor School has adapted its policy in line with the summary of that in the DfE and  Ealing LA  guidelines on Exclusions .This outlines Exclusion Procedures for school staff and any governors considering exclusions. The full text of the DfE’s guidance can be obtained via the DfE website.


Contacts: Principal Officer and Support Officer – Exclusions, Children’s Services, Behaviour Strategy & Social Inclusion Service, Ealing Council, 2nd Floor, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road. Ealing, W5 2HL Telephone: 020 8825 5070


Types of External Exclusion Schools need to have policies, procedures and staff training in place that will promote good behaviour and prevent bad behaviour. Such behaviour policies need to be applied consistently and be widely publicised so that all pupils, school staff and parents are aware of the standards of behaviour expected of pupils, and the range of sanctions.

A school’s behaviour policy may regulate pupils’ behaviour where the pupils are neither on school premises nor in the care of school staff, where it is reasonable to do so.


There are three types of exclusion that a school may use:

Lunchtime – This is a form of fixed-term exclusion where the pupil is excluded from the school premises for one or more lunchtimes.

Fixed-term exclusion: Imposed in response to breaches of the behaviour policy, including persistent disruptive behaviour, where these are not considered sufficiently serious to warrant a permanent exclusion but where lesser sanctions such as detention/internal exclusion are considered inappropriate. 

This is a temporary exclusion of between 1 and 45 school days in length (no pupil may be excluded for more than a total of 45 school days in any one academic year). This means that the pupil is not allowed to attend school for the fixed period determined by the headteacher. Parents are reminded of their responsibility to care for their child and to ensure that their child stays at home during normal school hours. Failure to adhere to this may result in a fixed penalty notice of £50 which, if not paid, could lead to prosecution.

During this time the school will inform parents in writing, report to the governors and set work to complete during the exclusion. On return to school, a reintegration meeting will be convened with parents and the pupil to agree new targets and to clarify next steps if behaviour continues to be poor.

Permanent exclusion – The pupil will not return to the school . A decision to exclude a pupil permanently should only be taken:

In response to persistent serious breaches  or a serious breach of the school’s behaviour policy;  

If allowing the pupil to remain in the school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school;

When is permanent exclusion appropriate?

For persistent breaches of the behaviour policy i.e. as a final step in a process for dealing with unacceptable behaviour and following a wide range of strategies that have been tried without success, it is an acknowledgement that the school has exhausted all available strategies.

If there are exceptional circumstances where, in the head teacher’s judgement, it is appropriate to permanently exclude a child for a first or ‘one off’ offence. These might include::

Involvement with an offensive weapon

Supply or intent to supply an illegal substance

•           Serious actual or threatened violence against another pupil or a member of staff

•           Sexual misconduct

These instances are not exhaustive  or prescriptive but indicate the severity of such offences and the fact that behaviour can affect the discipline and wellbeing of the school community..

Schools will consider whether or not to inform the police where such a criminal offence has taken place. They will also consider whether or not to inform other agencies, e.g. the Youth Offending Service,  social workers etc.



What happens at lunchtimes?

The school rules still apply at lunchtime irrespective of where pupils are on site.

We believe that lunchtime should be a time where children can eat, socialize and play safely. 


The Lunchtime Organisers

The Lunchtime Organisers are experienced and they receive continuous ongoing training. This training may be provided by the local authority or in school. They understand that lunchtimes provide opportunities for pupils to develop communication, social skills, negotiation, confidence and enjoyment.  Lunchtimes can at times also be difficult, stressful and require adult support to manage issues.

Our staff will endeavor to: 

  • Get to know the children’s names and work closely with their class teacher;
  • Treat all children fairly by listening to them;
  • Be friendly and approachable;
  • Be positive by catching pupils being good and making positive comments;
  • Reward good lunchtime behavior;
  • Know and refer to the school / lunchtime rules;
  • Differentiate between minor and major incidents;
  • Deal with problems consistently;
  • Stay calm and avoid shouting at children.


They will work with the headteacher to ensure that the children enjoy their dinner times and follow the School Rules.


If a pupil breaks school rules, others may be affected or upset.

  • Acceptable standards of behavior must be maintained for the safety and security of all pupils.
  • Most of our children play happily and enjoy their lunchtimes.
  • All have the right to enjoy lunchtimes and may need support for this to happen.
  • Sometimes a pupil will need to understand the consequences of poor behavior by accepting the consequences of such behavior.


 How do we appreciate good behaviour at lunchtimes?

 Praise, Stickers, certificates , feedback to other staff, etc

What happens if a pupil breaks School Rules?

If a pupil breaks the lunchtime rules then they will face consequences. In the first instance they may be sent to a dinner supervisor who may:

  • Remind them of the rules;
  • Impose an immediate sanction such as  Time Out to reflect on their behavior and to regulate their emotions.
  • Complete a behaviour form for a serious incident and report this to the Class Teacher


Consequences at Lunch Time

Instances of poor behaviour are recorded.

Stage 1

Lunchtime Organiser will warn the pupil.

Stage 2

Lunchtime Organiser will warn the pupil for a second time.

Stage 3

Lunchtime Organiser instigates Time Out  or Reflection Time for pupils to consider their actions.   

Stage 4

Lunchtime Organiser refers the pupil to the senior Lunchtime Organiser who will instigate time out away from the child’s peers.

Stage 5

The senior Lunchtime Organiser will refer the issues to the headteacher or deputy headteacher.

The head, or deputy in her absence, may implement an internal lunchtime exclusion of up to 5 days.

If the pupil has more than 5 lunchtime exclusions then the parent may be asked to provide for lunchtimes at home.


Persistent problems at lunchtime

If behaviour continues to be poor or deteriorate, the school will take action to deter further repetition and to support good behaviour. In this case lunchtime exclusion may be considered.

Lunchtime exclusion

This means that the pupil must be collected at the start of lunchtime, and brought back to school at the end of lunchtime. Please note that parents/carers are responsible for the safety and behaviour of their child during this time and ensuring they are returned on time to avoid absences. The school will inform parents of lunchtime exclusion in writing and it will be reported to the governors.


Appendix 3: behaviour log  if used  ( Behaviour incidents are also recorded on School data systems for monitoring, tracking and safeguarding), if required.






[sex, race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation]









































Appendix 4: letters to parents about pupil behaviour - templates if needed.

First behaviour letter


Dear parent,

Recently, your child _____________________________ has not been behaving as well in school as they could.

It is important that your child understands the need to follow our behaviour curriculum, which is set out in the behaviour policy. I would appreciate it if you could discuss their behaviour with them.

If your child’s behaviour does not improve, I will contact you again and suggest that we meet to discuss how we can work together. However, at this stage I am confident that a reminder of how to behave appropriately will be sufficient.

Yours sincerely,


Class teacher name: _____________________________________________________________________


Class teacher signature: __________________________________________________________________


Date: ________________________






Behaviour letter – return slip


Please return this slip to school to confirm you have received this letter. Thank you.


Name of child: __________________________________________________________________________


Parent name: ___________________________________________________________________________


Parent signature: ________________________________________________________________________


Date: ________________________




Second behaviour letter




Dear parent,

Following my previous letter regarding the behaviour of ________________________, I am sorry to say that they are still struggling to adhere to our behaviour curriculum, which is set out in our behaviour policy.

I would appreciate it if you could arrange to meet me after school so we can discuss a way forward.


Yours sincerely,


Class teacher name: _____________________________________________________________________


Class teacher signature: __________________________________________________________________


Date: ______________________






Third behaviour letter




Dear parent,

I am sorry to report that, despite meeting and creating a behaviour contract, _______________________ has continued to misbehave.

_________________________ would now benefit from a structured approach to help improve their behaviour in school.

I would be grateful if you could attend a meeting with the headteacher, the special educational needs co-ordinator and myself, to discuss how we can best support your child in improving their behaviour.


Yours sincerely,


Class teacher name: _____________________________________________________________________


Class teacher signature: __________________________________________________________________


Date: _______________________