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Tudor Primary School

Mental Health First aid

Mental Health first aid is a training program that teaches you how to help a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health Crisis by giving support and signposting them to where they can get help.


Mental health often develop during adolescence


I have just completed a credited course as a mental first aider, it taught in depth skills to enable me to provide first aid to people who may be experiencing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and psychosis.


What does a Mental Health First Aider do?

In general, the role of a Mental Health First Aider in the workplace is to be a point of contact for an employee or pupil who is experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.  This interaction could range from having an initial conversation through to supporting the person to get appropriate help.


A Approach, Assess, Assist

L - Listen (non judgemental)

G -Give Support

E - Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help

E - Encourage other supports