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Tudor Primary School

2024-2025 Eco Council

Eco 2024-2025 Action Plan

Autumn December 2024 Cut your Carbon


The School Council organised a lovely assembly for all the children to present the results of Cut Your Carbon Month and to discuss the importance of reducing carbon footprints. During the assembly, children encouraged their year groups to ask questions and get more involved in sustainability efforts. It was amazing to see the whole school actively participating in Cut Your Carbon Month.

Autumn November 2024 Cut Your Carbon Month


This month, Tudor will be participating in the Carbon-Cutting Challenge, which runs throughout November. The initiative encourages young people and their families to complete six simple actions designed to raise awareness and reduce their carbon footprint, supported by the Eco-Schools program. The campaign provides free resources, competitions, and online events to make learning about carbon emissions accessible, fun, and engaging.


Each School Council representative will conduct a survey in class every Friday to track participation. They will tally how many pupils in each class, from Years 1 to 6, have completed daily tasks. These include activities such as eating a plant-based meal, swapping a bath for a shower, turning off electrical appliances for an hour, and more. At the end of each week, the results will be calculated, and the school will also take steps to reduce its own carbon footprint. Let’s see which class can rise to the challenge and beat the target!


We’re proud to share that November’s Cut Your Carbon Month saw incredible participation from children, parents, and teachers. Well done to everyone who got involved! Not only did we reduce our carbon emissions as a school, but we also brought the whole community together to raise awareness of climate change and make a meaningful difference in our area.

Every month, nearly every child completed at least one activity daily, with participation extending to staff and parents as well. Take a look at the impressive results below!