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Tudor Primary School


Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details Tudor Primary Schools use of pupil premium (and  the catch up recovery premium for the 2022 to 2023 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. This has been updated after reviewing funding for the academic year 2022-2023 and the review from 2021-2022.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.


School overview



School name

Tudor Primary

Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

 2021- 2024

Date this statement was published

November 2022

Date on which it will be reviewed

September 2023

Statement authorised by

Jas Kalra

Pupil premium lead

 Shayla Hafeez

Governor / Trustee lead

Jodie Daine



Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year

£ 146,497.50 ( including catch up funding)




Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent


  • All members of staff, governors and teaching assistants accept responsibility for ‘socially disadvantaged’ pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within the school environment. Careful consideration of Pupil Premium funding is one aspect of this.
  • When making decisions about using Pupil Premium funding it is important to consider the context of our school and the subsequent challenges faced. This is considered alongside research conducted by the EEF.
  • Pupil Premium funding helps remove barriers to learning so that all our pupils reach their full potential and enables them to fully engage in our curriculum and school life. The governors reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support any pupils or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.



    We are committed  :

    • To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils both nationally and within school data.
    • To accelerate progress of all  disadvantaged pupils in school to exceed nationally expected progress rates to reach age related expectation
    • To address the barriers of social, emotional and mental health needs which impact on learning, behaviour, confidence and resilience
    • To address the barriers of low attendance, punctuality and disrupted education amongst PPG pupils
    • To broaden experiences and improve access to learning opportunities and resources including books, trips and workshops to increase cultural capital.
    • To  increase levels of parental engagement   by endeavouring to confidence,  language and economic barriers
    • To  increase parental knowledge of the curriculum to enable parents to support their children
    • To address the barriers of low attendance, punctuality and disrupted education amongst PPG pupils
    • To promote pupil wellbeing by developing emotional literacy and self-regulation. . This will enable pupils to enhance learning behaviours including resilience, problem solving, concentration, collaboration, communication and confidence.
    • To ensure all children have good attendance which is above 96%.



    • Ensure Quality First Teaching , training, monitoring and support  for staff across the school
    • Targeted small group work in class focused on overcoming gaps in learning
    • Additional Booster sessions
    • Additional tutoring  & learning opportunities delivered by  qualified staff or trained LSAs to provide 1:1 or 1:3 sessions
    • Providing access to resources and opportunities to overcome barriers e.g. books, devices, data, educational learning platforms and resources, workshops, school visitors, trips etc.
    • Activity Clubs run by internal staff and external agencies to support physical and social development.
    • Promoting  the active engagement and participation of pupils with additional needs in  external activities and   opportunities 
    • Behaviour and Nurture support during lunchtime through play provision provided by external specialist agencies and internal staff.
    • Supporting good mental and emotional health through the provision of professionally and experienced qualified staff e.g.), Play Therapy, Mental Health Support Project etc.
    • Encouraging and enabling parents to confidently engage with their child’s education by overcoming barriers of language, confidence and awareness.
    Targeting persistent absenteeism to improve pupil attendance.




    This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

    Challenge number

    Detail of challenge


    Economic deprivation: Many families live in overcrowded, temporary housing which results in a lack of space and resources to study at home and/or play safely outside. Pupils and their families may have social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Many families are experiencing hardship due to the increase in the cost of living.


      Literacy and communication skills which have been impacted further by a loss of learning time due to school and class closures. This includes the attainment of pupil premium pupils entering the school from March 2020. Assessment shows that most pupils enter school with poor oral language skills- well below the expected standard for their age upon entry to Nursery and Reception class.


    Restricted opportunities for a breadth of cultural and shared British cultural experiences. Cost, experience and language act as barriers which   impede our children’s opportunities to access broader social and educational activities.


     The high percentage of pupils who  have English as a second language along with high mobility of pupils including  the arrival of pupils new to the country from March 2020  has impacted on pupil progress and attainment.


    Some children have been adversely affected by the pandemic, including children who qualify for PP which has impacted on their physical, social, emotional and mental wellbeing. (high percentage of child obesity) Assessment shows that the gap between disadvantaged pupils and others widened following school closures and disruptions.



    Intended outcomes:

    This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

    Intended outcome

    Success criteria

    Progress in Reading- pupils make at least expected progress from their KS1 starting points. Progress is positive across all year groups 

     Pupils can read with fluency and prosody which impacts on their level of comprehension and stamina for reading .Pupils written and verbal vocabulary has increased to impact on their comprehension level when reading. Pupils achieve national average progress scores in KS2 Reading, across all groups of children including PP and SEND children.    


    Progress in Writing- pupils make at least expected progress from their key stage 1 starting points. Progress is positive across all year groups.Pupil’s cohesion in writing is supported through their ability to write effective sentences to build meaning. Pupils can apply key writing skills and use vocabulary effectively including technical and academic language across the curriculum within their writing. Pupils use editing and proofreading to good effect to check their learning.
    Progress in speaking and listening  through the development   of  oracy skills

     Through the voice 21 programme pupils will develop confidence in speaking and are able to communicate effectively with others.  This will also enable them to become active listeners during discussion work. This will support progress across the curriculum.


    Progress in Mathematics 

    The teaching of problem solving and reasoning through the white Rose programme .The use of key visuals and resources to support mathematical understanding .Pupils achieve national average progress scores in KS2 Mathematics, across all groups of children including PP children.  


    Phonics - Year 1 and Year 2 phonics scores for all children including pupil premium pupils is in line or above national average. 

     90% of Yr. 1 pupils and 95% of Year 2 pupils achieve 32+ in summer 2023


    EYFS- pupils a make good progress across all prime areas including  communication and language and social skillsBespoke linguistic programmes lead to an increase in progress in communication and language for pupil premium children. Pupils develop the necessary social skills which impact on learning and learning behaviours.  Attainment for Pupil premium pupils in EYFS is in line with the national average in terms of GLD.Introduction of the white rose scheme into numeracy in reception.
    Supporting Families impacted from the pandemic and rise in cost of living.Attendance of disadvantaged pupils is above 95%. Families and pupils feel well supported and are signposted where to access support. Closing the gaps in learning has led to accelerated progress and has impacted on attainment. Pupil’s physical well-being (particularly disadvantaged pupils) improved through exercise.


    Activity in this academic year: This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

    Teaching (for example, CPD,)

    Budgeted cost: £ 61307.50


    Evidence that supports this approach

    Challenge number(s) addressed

     Improving the Quality of teaching and subject knowledge  linked to Reading 


    Improve quality first teaching in Reading. Staff will be trained in developing Fluency and Prosody in Reading to support reading for meaning and comprehension. By developing fluent readers, children are able to access other contexts, subjects and reading tasks.

     EEF: Developing comprehension strategies – high impact for low cost.

    (  + 6 ) Evidence:  National Literacy Strategy - Read on Get on.

    2 & 4


     Improve oracy skills through the voice 21 programme. 

    An oracy champion will be in place to provide training to all staff linked to the voice 21 programme. The oracy champion will attend training through 4 development days. Staff will apply strategies across the curriculum to enable pupils to communicate effectively. The approach used will be through trailblazers who will then support staff within their year group and phase.  

     EEF : High impact for low cost  Evidence strength +4 (Impact strength+ 6 )

    2 & 4

    AHT to deliver training for the new EYFS curriculum.

    Staff will receive training and support to help them to strengthen the EY Curriculum In order to ensure GLD is in line with national data.

    EEF guide to pupil premium – tiered approach – teaching is the top priority, including CPD.

    2 & 4

    RWI Training for staff and lead

    Read write Inc. training   for all staff. ( KS1 Ks2 and support staff)  Purchase of decodable books for EYFS and KS1 pupils Support staff training for 1:1 tutoring. Reading Lead to also access training and support via development day’s .Cover for assessments and mentored meetings on a termly basis.  

    EEF evidence  Phonics High impact for very low cost (+5 )



    CPD by specialist professional  in social , emotional and physical wellbeing –

    Staff receive training and support in identifying and managing emotional needs of pupils.

    Training also informs and supports the teaching of mental health and emotional regulation in order to support metacognitive practices.

    EEF. metacognition and self-regulation  very high impact for low cost +7  
    Cover for weekly assessment meeting for Year 2 and Year 5

    Release teaching staff weekly for coaching based weekly PiXL and assessment meetings. This has proved beneficial for all staff allowing instructional coaching and reflection to take place.


    High quality NQT ECT training and development of core skills and teaching and learning(EEF) – Pupil Premium Guidance (2019) supports a focus on CPD and training. Weekly meetings with NQTs ECT’s with an emphasis on inclusion across the core subjects. Training through the hub, West London teaching partner, to develop core skills in English and Maths In house CPD linked to training for Phonics.


    Support staff training for  tutoring

    (EEF) – Pupil Premium Guidance (2019) supports a focus on CPD and training

     Training supports subject knowledge of support staff in teaching and delivery of interventions in the core area of the curriculum.


    Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

    Budgeted cost: £43,200


    Evidence that supports this approach

    Challenge number(s) addressed

    Year 1 and Year 2 interventions4x 15 min sessions per week linked to phonics, reading and maths. Release for Year 2 core group meetings linked to PiXL therapies1,2 and 4
    Phonics targeted small group tuition   and 1:1 tutoring

    EEF (+4). EEF key findings

    Small group tuition has an average impact of four months’ additional progress over the course of a year.

    This is supported by the phonics lead who will observe, team-teach and monitor teaching and assessment. EEF evidence supports this approach.

    1,2 and 4
    Extended school day for identified pupils focusing  in Year 3, Year 5and Year 6 

    EEF (+4)

    EEF Toolkit on Extended School time. Well attended, well-structured session with staff that understand the needs of the children. Groups no bigger than 6. Impact is greater at 4-11 years and most evidence is based in Literacy and maths.


    1,2 and 4
    Small groups for NELI in Reception, To improve Oral Language skills and good social and emotional development


    EEF (+4)

    On average oral language, approaches have high impact on pupil outcomes (+6 months EEF)


    1,2 and 4
    Parental  Engagement-  Workshops for parents in Early Reading and Maths

    EEF (+4) Parental Engagement has a positive impact on pupils' learning. Encouraging parents to support pupils at home  and to become involved of parents in children’s learning activities

     Parent workshops linked to supporting younger children in Phonics and reading

     Workshops linked to mathematical strategies taught in schools
    1,2 and 5



    Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

    Budgeted cost: £ 42,260



    Evidence that supports this approach

    Challenge number(s) addressed

    Curriculum enhancements

    All pupils who are PP will be offered the opportunity to attend trips, and experiences for free.



    1 and 3

    Clinical Psychology session for vulnerable children and families. Targeted children identified half termly and assessed for need

    EEF (+4)

    Social and Emotional Learning – interventions which target social and emotional learning seek to improve pupil’s interaction with others and self-management of emotions, rather than focusing directly on the academic or cognitive elements of learning.

    The CLIPS service is for children and families and is delivered by a Clinical Psychologist.

    1 and 3

    Extra administration support for attendance monitoring and follow up led by attendance lead   

    Increasing attendance with attendance contracts and rewards.

     UCL evidence pupils who do not attend school when school is open (uncoordinated absences) see a small decline in their academic achievement. Each day of individual pupil absence results in around 0.3-0.4% of a standard deviation reduction in achievement.




    Extend the school day for physical activities in Key stage 2

    Clubs to support fitness and health alongside combating child obesity.

     EEF Extending the school day for physical activities (+1). This has important benefits for health and wellbeing.

    Nuffield Foundation- Clubs are an easy vehicle for enrichment. Taking part in activities after the formal day could play a role in closing the attainment gap between children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and those with more family resources.

    3 and 5

    Forest school across KS1 And KS2

    Forest schools will support pupils in using and understanding materials outside of their own environment and their ability to use these creatively. This will support language acquisition as well as collaborative skills.

    EEF (+5) Collaboration supports pupils learning and working together and is a cost effective approach to raising standards.

    EE5 (+ 6) Oral language approaches have a high impact on pupil outcomes of 6 additional months' progress.

    1, 3 and 5

    Developing parental skills in English

    Enabling parents to learn English and develop ICT skills in order to support their children’s learning.

    Evidence Bell foundation EEF  cost effective with impact of + 3 months


    Total budgeted cost: £ 146,497.50


    Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

    Pupil premium strategy outcomes

    This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2022 to 2023 academic year.



    Externally provided programmes

    Please include the names of any non-DfES programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England



    Times tables Rock stars


    Education City



    Service pupil premium funding (optional)

    For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:




    How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?


    What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




    Further information (optional)

    Use this space to provide any further information about your pupil premium strategy. For example, about your strategy planning, or other activity that you are implementing to support disadvantaged pupils, that is not dependent on pupil premium or recovery premium funding.