Tudor’s Recommended Reading Lists
Stuck with ideas as to what books to read next?
Check out our list below for each year group for some amazing reads. Ask the school librarian, Mrs Lewis, if any of them are in the library or look it up on Reading Cloud.

Tudor’s Recommended Reading List for each year group
Reading VIPERS
Reading is not just being able to read the words on a page it is about understanding the text. Children learn how to understand the text through different reading skills.
We teach these skills to the children using the VIPERS approach.
V – Vocabulary
I – Inference
P – Prediction
E – Explain
R – Retrieve
S – Sequence/Summarise
Please see the sheets below for more information about the VIPERS and examples of questions you can ask your child for each skill.
Reading at home
Reading at home is a brilliant way to help your child progress both in their decoding and their understanding of what they read. Below are some guides and tips for how to get the best out of your reading sessions with your child.
Remember to sign their reading record every day and try to write a comment as well. Teachers love hearing how your child read at home.
Reading Tips to use at home
Improving Tudor reading outcomes
Few quotes from the students regarding reading;
- ''I like reading because I like to read characters emotions"
- "I love to read as I get very intrigued about what a character might do as their next move"
- "When you read a non fiction book you can feel powerful and think about ways you can stop natural disasters like; pollution, floods and reading for pleasure"
- "I love reading because you can visit many places while sitting in my bed. Also it gives you knowledge and you can make the world a better place"
- "I like reading because it gives me a wild imagination and it is extremely enjoyable!
- "I love reading because it is the best way to relax and forget about other things. You can have so many adventures while just holding a book"