Pupil Surveys
Tudor Primary School Pupil Survey July 2023
Thank you to all our pupils for taking part. Please find our results in the table below:
| Agree | Disagree |
I enjoy school | 98% | 2% |
My school helps me to be healthy | 98% | 2% |
I feel safe when I am at school | 99% | 1% |
My school teaches me how to stay more safe online and in the real world | 98% | 2% |
My teachers help me to do my best | 99% | 1% |
Behaviour is good at my school | 99% | 1% |
Adults in my school care about me and I know who I can talk to if I am worried about something | 98% | 2% |
Adults at school are interested in my views | 96% | 4% |
Adults explain to me how to improve my work | 98% | 2% |
My School helps me to get ready to move into my next class | 96% | 4% |