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Tudor Primary School

2021-2023 Eco Council

Planet Mark Eden Project 2 


The school council has been working very hard to become 'sustainability superstars'. The children took part in an all-day session with Planet Mark on Wednesday 15th March. The three sessions the pupils to look at the issues of climate change and investigate the different roles and ways of responding to how we can make a change. The children briefly reviewed the science of climate change – the root cause of the problem and the likely impacts. We also discussed how our own behaviour influences what other people do and that by working together we can demand that governments and businesses also take action and effect real change.


The children discussed how rainforests are linked to our lives and why should we care about their fate. This workshop addressed these questions and looks at how the actions that we take can affect the indigenous people of the rainforest and, in turn, the future of the rainforests themselves.

Through each workshop, the children created some amazing work including their own domino affect chart on the changes we can make to help the environment.


School Council Sustainable Planet Mark Project 1


The School council reps have been very busy working hard to ensure that we are all doing our bit to lower our carbon footprint, our aim for this year is to become an eco-school. 


In January 2023 the children made a pledge to show how we care for our community, care for each other, and the steps we are taking as a school to become more environmentally friendly. 


Our pledge consists of the following 6 points;


Care—we show care in school, play leaders, and school council reps. We also care for the environment around us and keep our classes clean. We care for ourselves by, making good choices, eating healthily, wearing clean and dressing well when at school. We care about nature with lots of Forest school events taking place, local walks, and looking after the school plants. 

 Learn— through learning we evolve and create more ideas. We have created a learning journal for our sustainable project. Here you can see what the school council has done so far and what we have learned about the world, this has been done through geography lessons, sugar smart, farming, healthy choices in PHSE, and healthy eating.

 Reduce—We have stopped plastic water bottles from being brought into school. We have asked all staff and pupils to only bring in reusable water bottles to school, this is more cost-effective but also helps us reduce plastic waste. The school council children have been doing a tally chart on a weekly basis and recording this on our eco journal to see which class is doing their part and keeping waste to a minimum. 

 Recycle—there are now recycle bins in each classroom for paper waste, do you know that Nursery are always looking for scrap paper so why not share resources that we don’t want anymore. Or we can take scrap paper home it will encourage us to write, draw or get creative at home.

 Eat—Tudor Primary school is now a Meat Free Monday school. our Monday dinner menu consists of vegan and new vegetarian dishes. Having at least one plant-based day a week is a fun and easy way to do something good for the planet and our future. Meat Free Monday is a great initiative to encourage pupils and staff to have a healthier diet, save animals and the planet and at least once a week. 

 Travel—the JTA’s have been working on reducing the carbon footprint around the area of the school, Tudor road will now be monitored by a camera, and it will not let any vehicles drive down the road from 8.30am and, this will help reduce daily school rush, make it safe for us to come to school and the air quality. We have had air quality lessons and lessons on being more active



At the end of the first Spring Term the school council became a member of Planet Mark. Planet Mark is a sustainability certification that verifies and measures carbon and social data to reduce emissions around our school and this helps us to do our part in saving the planet. At Tudor, we are starting off small by implementing a 'switch off' campaign. We are encouraging all staff and pupils to switch off any appliances and lights when a classroom is not in use. We then sent our school energy bills from last year to Planet Mark, and we are happy to announce that we are now a Planet Mark-certified organisation.  Tudors Primary School’s total carbon footprint was 108.4 tCOe and the relative carbon footprint was 0.2 tCOe per pupil and staff. 

School Council Biodiversity Project 2022-2023

The school council will be monitoring waste in all classrooms, the children have decided that no more plastic is allowed in school, children should be bringing in re-usable water bottles to reduce waste. We also have meat free Mondays and everyone is to recycle paper. the council members will be monitoring on a weekly basis and record the findings in our biodiversity journal. 


February 2022 - Tudor’s school councilors have been working very hard on their sustainability project. Since 2020 the school council have learnt a lot about how to keep the environment safe and do their part in helping reduce their carbon footprint. After tie-dying their t-shirts with natural ingredients, the children have now been working on how we as a school can do our part by reducing traffic and cars to school, working alongside the JTA’s.


The Children wanted to make a statement and we had the chance to create a mural and our own logo to show how we care about the environment. The children also wanted to show how Tudor cares for their environment so the councillors had an opportunity to create their own logo to represent how recycling is important and this incorporated in our new colourful mural on the school grounds to reflect that the environment around us.   


School Council Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle Sustainability Project Part 3


School Council Sustainability Project Part 2 17th June 2021; School Council children from years 1-6 started their new project on sustainability. We were lucky to have a special visitor to the school, Miss Shah, who has carried out numerous projects on sustainability to do this amazing workshop with our children.  Ms Besely and Miss Shah. showed the children how we can reuse, repurpose and recycle clothing, the theme this week is being able to recycle fashion.


Children took part in a tie-dye activity, children brought in their old t-shirts and we repurposed these by tie-dying with natural products which are safe for the environment.  For our dye we used vegetables such as beetroot, red cabbage and turmeric powder.  Children learnt that tie-dying using natural products are environmentally friendly and this way we can also reuse our old vegetables instead of throwing it away.


Vegetables were boiled using hot water and salt. We let the water sit for an hour to cool down and children then dyed their t-shirts. Presentation on the 7 R’s (Recycle, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Re-sale. Recover.) was also presented to the children about how sustainability can be part of our everyday lives and children took part in a Q&A task.  The school councilors enjoyed the second part of our sustainability project, and they were very pleased with their new repurposed t-shirts.