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Tudor Primary School

Online Safety


The internet is an amazing place. You can play games, chat to your friends and have lots of fun, however things can happen which might make you upset. People may say mean things which make you feel sad or you may see something that you don’t like. At Tudor Primary school the safety of our pupils is extremely important which includes their online safety. 

We teach our children how to be safe on the internet and what to do if something upsets them. The school holds Online Safety meetings with parents throughout the year where we teach the parents how to keep their children safe and also inform them of the strategies taught to their children in school.


Staff, pupils and families all adhere to our Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policies. We also have filters in place to protect and monitor the computer and internet use. 


While parents/carers have the responsibility to monitor their children's use of the internet safely in the home, issues may arise and these may have an impact on their behaviour and relationships in school. Where this occurs, we aim to work in partnership with parents/carers to ensure children develop their understanding of the importance of online safety. 



The following link is to be used for searching safely online 

To learn more regarding Online Safety, please see the links below:

Be S.M.A.R.T and be Safe



Safe (Be safe; think before sharing)

Meet (Don’t meet up, always check with an Adult you trust)

Accept (be careful when accepting files/pictures/texts)

Reliable (check information before you believe it)

Tell (an adult if someone or something makes you worried)