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Tudor Primary School


Projected Total Pupil Premium Funding April 2017/2018


The school has allocated its funding based on 134 children who are entitled to Pupil premium funding. Pupil Premium funding is awarded for pupils who have received Free School Meals in the past six years and for children in care or the children of Armed Forces personnel. Amount per pupil - £1320 x 134 = £176,880

Tudor School Pupil Premium Grant Strategy April 2017- April 2018



When making decisions about using pupil premium funding it was important to consider the context of the school and the subsequent challenges faced by our proportion of pupil premium children.

Common challenges for pupil premium children at Tudor Primary include the following: ​ overcrowded, temporary and unstable housing, high mobility, digital access challenges, lack of space and resources to study at home and or play safely outside, EAL, attendance and punctuality issues. The school recognises that whilst a significant number of our pupils are not eligible for recourse to public funds, due to immigration and benefit reasons, they would otherwise be considered as meeting the criteria of “disadvantage”.


The School’s Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) strategy for April 2017-April 2018 identifies the following aims to overcome barriers to educational achievement for our pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding:

  • To accelerate the progress and improve the attainment of pupils eligible for Pupil premium in order to narrow any gap between non Pupil Premium pupils in school and nationally
  • To continue the progress made in improving writing and to narrow the gap for PPG pupils in Reading and Maths
  • To improve access to learning opportunities including to books, trips and workshops
  • To address the barriers of social, emotional and mental health needs which impact on learning, behaviour, confidence and resilience
  • To address low levels of parental engagement due to language and economic barriers
  • To address the need to develop parental support skills and confidence
  • To address the barriers of low attendance, punctuality and disrupted education amongst PPG pupils




Year Group

Percentage Pupil Premium



Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6


Year 7 (on roll at census but now left)



Objectives and Principles


Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium Fund (PPF) is to narrow the gap between pupil groups and ensure that each child maximizes their potential. Through quality first teaching and targeted interventions we are working to eliminate barriers to learning and progress. For pupils who start school with low attainment on entry, our aim is to ensure that they make accelerated progress in order to reach age related expectations as they move through the school. Also to ensure that we cater for all academic abilities, including challenging high attaining pupil premium (PP) pupils, we analyse our data comprehensively, in order to make decisions relating to pupil premium funding. We have nominated members of the SLT team to lead and drive pupil premium as well as sharing information regularly with Governors.


Further to this we outlined key principles which we then focused on in order to successfully narrow the gap and maximise the impact of our pupil premium spending.


The ethos of the school is built upon the belief that all staff believe in all pupils and there are no excuses made for under-performance. We have high expectations and aspirations for all our pupils and encourage them to take a full and active part in all that we offer. We value diversity, promote curiosity and inspire excellence.


Analysing Data- 
We ensure that all staff are involved in the analysis of data so that they are fully aware of strengths and weaknesses across the school (e.g. pupil progress meetings).


Identification of pupils - We ensure that:

  • All teaching staff are involved in analysis of data and identification of 
pupils- this is done through pupil progress meetings and CPD
  • All staff are aware of who pupil premium and vulnerable pupils are
  • All pupil premium pupils benefit from the funding, not just those who are underperforming e.g. clubs
  • Underachievement at all levels is targeted (not just lower attaining pupils)


Improving day to day teaching - We continue to ensure that all pupils across the school receive good teaching achieved by using our Senior Leaders to:


  • Set high expectations
  • Address any within-school variance
  • Share good practice within the school
  • Provide high quality CPD


Increasing learning time -We maximise the time pupils have to “catch up” through:

  • Improving attendance and punctuality
  • Providing intervention

Individualising support- 
We ensure that the additional support we provide is effective by:

  • Looking at the individual needs of each child and identifying their barriers to learning
  • Ensuring additional support staff and class teachers communicate regularly
  • Tailoring interventions to the needs of the child
  • Recognising and building on pupils’ strengths to further boost confidence



Measuring impact

The impact of the Pupil Premium spending is measured by the EYFS, Phonics, KS1 and KS2 results at the end of the year.

For non-statutory year groups the school’s internal data will be used to measure the impact of the spending.


Review date – July 2018







Planned Expenditure: Spending and Impact 2017-18 Tudor Primary School






Desired Impact

Beanstalk Reading Helper


Trained reading helpers give selected Y5 PPG children with low Reading ages, additional opportunities to explore text.

To support children reading 1:1 for pleasure and thereby improving confidence , fluency and breadth of experience

Pupil Premium pupils have additional reading opportunities

Learning village (annual costs + 0.5=RP, 0.5=AT)


Individualised access to scaffolded program of vocabulary and syntax development. This is to accelerate the development of language structures necessary to underpin curricular learning and communication.

To raise levels of confident oracy and literacy in pupils who may not have frequent home exposure to the English language in its correct form.

Pupil premium pupils acquire English oracy confidently in a structured, relevant and correct way. This will reduce isolation and enable rapid integration in to the school and British community.

Pupils who have participated have shown an improvement in confidence and enthusiasm

EAL Team Lead


To manage EAL interventions and full time EAL system administration- Over 95% of our pupils with PPG are EAL either as recent arrivals (within first 2years) or as advanced Bilingual Learners Many of our pupils have multiple language exposure , often as a result of arriving via Europe or other countries. Curricular progress is founded on securing a good grasp of English language structures as soon as possible.

To develop, manage, deliver and review the EAL provision at Tudor to ensure that children make accelerated progress in oracy and Literacy to enable meaningful Inclusion.

To support parents to help their children access our EAL program at home online.

Pupil premium pupils to make accelerated progress

Education city


Subscriptions to provide enhanced access to teaching and learning activities outside of school as many parents do not speak English or have the skills or resources to provide access to such activities.

To enable our pupils to have quality educational online activities which they would otherwise not have access to.

To increase the confidence and breadth of our pupils to safely use online platforms as tools to learning.

1:1 reading


In line with our aim to raise the progress and attainment of pupils with PPG in Reading and Literacy, we have committed staff to ensure pupils have additional opportunity to read to an adult individually. Staff have ongoing CPD to develop phonics, fluency, articulation and comprehension.

To ensure that pupils have the opportunity to practise their reading by reading frequently to adults who can support their reading for pleasure, reading for meaning and reading fluency and accuracy.

This frequent practice should improve fluency, accuracy, confidence and comprehension of pupils.

Full time additional TA for Y5&6


Targeted support to boost learning for Y5/6 pupils focussing on meeting the demands of the New Curriculum and SATS.

Pupils have the opportunity to have a safe and supportive environment to revise, fill gaps in learning (high mobility) and ask for help to maximise their learning at the end of KS2. Many students have gaps in learning due to mobility and do not always have access to eg reliable broadband, tutors or people who have the time and skills to support them in accessing the National Curriculum at age appropriate levels. High levels of housing issues in the area mean that it can often be difficult to revise at home over holidays.

Good outcomes for PP pupils.


Oct/ Feb/Easter booster sessions


Target pupils with extra sessions in year 6 to enable rapid progress

Improved outcomes for PP pupils


West London Speech & Language (0.3)

(0.1=SH, 0.5=TAs)


Language skills are key to communication and learning. Baseline data shows that our cohort often starts our schools with very low levels of Language, Literacy and vocabulary.

Communication and Language is key to Literacy and Learning. It is the precursor to successful reading and writing. Commissioned SLT support helps to upskill our staff and develops an inclusive environment to improve access and engagement to pupils who may not have a wide vocabulary or syntax. This should improve Literacy and Learning

Improved engagement and outcomes for PP pupils in Literacy and Language


Trips and visitors


Subsidising funding to enable pupils to have a range of additional social and cultural experiences that they would not have otherwise e.g. residential trips and cultural day trips to the theatre, Houses of Parliament etc .

Enable pupils to have access to a variety of enriching and educational experiences as well as exposure to a breath of quality encounters that they would perhaps not have otherwise eg visiting artists and authors, visiting drama groups, educational workshops, public transport etc


Increased knowledge, confidence, independence and collaborative skills in participating pupils resulting in enthusiastic learning.

Improved social and cultural inclusion in wider society so that our pupils can understand, experience and relate meaningfully to British Values.




(0.2=KH, 0.5=MR, 0.1=SH)


Support families in to overcome barriers to attendance through targeted family work

Improved attendance for PP pupils so that all PP pupils have attendance of at least 95%


Apprentices Support – 6


Enabling pupils to have regular 1:1 phonic, HFW and reading opportunities – overseen by teacher

Improved engagement and outcomes for PP pupils


Differentiated phonics groups – 4 TAS EVERY DAY – ONE HOUR


To provide differentiated support to meet the precise needs of KS1 pupils to improve literacy skills early. We have a Phonics pass rate of 85%.

Phonic screening shows rapid progress of pupils through the scheme

Increased % of pupils meeting the expectation of the phonics screening test


Highly Experienced Senior Leader - 40% of post - 2 days pw


An experienced and senior teacher with over 20 yrs experience. To support new staff in delivering, assessing and moderating attainment across the school against the higher expectations of the New Curriculum.

Coaching and mentoring has been successful with all lessons being graded ‘good or better’ after good practice was shared

Progress meeting and learning moderations have secure judgments and ensures teachers are focusing upon PP pupils in teaching


Catholic Society


To increase the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of children through Play or Drama therapy. We have had groups of children who have difficulties initiating and sustaining relationships. Group and individual sessions are undertaken with children who have more embedded issues or who may be finding it difficult adjusting to loss/bereavement/acrimonious family breakdown etc Where possible, parents are also engaged in promoting positive relationships with their children in play and communication.

Improved social, emotional and mental wellbeing of pupils therapy leading to better play skills, fewer behaviour issues, greater engagement and improved learning..

Increased engagement and support from parents of participating pupils.


Year 5 and 6 tutoring (18 children)


Targeted support to boost learning for Y5/6 pupils focussing on meeting the demands of the New Curriculum and SATS.

Pupils have the opportunity to have a safe and supportive environment to revise, fill gaps in learning (high mobility) and ask for help to maximise their learning at the end of KS2

Good outcomes for PP pupils.


Behaviour management at lunchtimes


4 pupil premium children taking part in lunchtime sports club.





A Commissioned Clinical Psychologist works as a member of staff for one day a week. She works with parents, pupils and staff to support the emotional and mental wellbeing of our pupils and where relevant, of their carers. She works as intensively as required, doing home visits over the holidays where necessary or is a supportive and advisory role where appropriate. Many pupils on the Clips caseload are PP.

Social and emotional stability for very vulnerable pupils to ensure they are safe, stable and able to access education and the school community.


Educational Psychologist


We commission educational psychology support to ensure that precise educational needs can be better identified and supported.

Children’s needs can be assessed and understood thereby allowing pupils to be supported accordingly and learn.


Library Club


We employ a qualified and experienced school librarian who ensures pupils have access to a wide range of literature and quality text. She also reads to pupils and supports their reading widely. She also runs a library club for motivated readers during lunch times and afterschool where parents can also come and help their children choose books.

Many children do not use any other library service. This helps them have access to a wide range of books that they can select and enjoy safely.


Books for soft start


Soft Start is very well attended. Children are encouraged to come to school before 8.50 and read before school. EYFS and KS1 Soft Start is available for parents and children to share books and read together. KS2 pupils so not need their parents to stay with them.

Children enjoy reading, thereby become more fluent, accurate and confident.

Children are far less likely to be late because they are at school earlier.

Children are ready to learn when school officially starts because they are already in class and calm.


Amazon Kindles


Tablets allow children to safely access instant digital learning. This enables children to have access to a huge bank of new knowledge, a wide range of visuals to support their learning and lots of resources to practise their skills.

Children become confident and accustomed to using digital resources as a learning platform. Children learn how to source knowledge and skills independently, using online resources. Children learn more and understand more.


PP free access to clubs


There is a range of recreational and educational activity clubs eg Art, cooking, ballet, maths etc. These broaden children’s experiences and skills and improve their confidence and engagement.

Children have a range of experiences that they would not have otherwise. They are more engaged, motivated, sociable and skilled as a result.


