Charging and Remissions Policy
Agreed by Governors On: March 2024
Date of Next Review: March 2025
Tudor Primary School is an inclusive school committed to ensuring all our children have equal access to the range of curricular activities on offer and that none are excluded because of costs.
The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including clubs and visits, can make towards a pupil’s education. The Governing Body aims to promote and provide such activities as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school and as additional optional activities.
The relevant statutory provisions are contained in Chapter III of Pt VI of the Education Act 1996. This requires the Governing Body to determine and keep under review a Charging and Remissions Policy. Parents have a right to ask for this information and a summary must be included in the school prospectus. The school must also comply with the Ealing Scheme for Financing Schools and the, Finance Handbook for schools.
We aim to support families who may not be able to afford extracurricular activities and will arrange subsidies where appropriate from school funds or independent bodies. Parents have a right to know how each trip is funded and this information is available on request.
All education during school hours is free. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum. From time to time we may ask for voluntary contributions to meet the costs of activities that enhance and broaden the school curriculum. These activities could be day trips/ residential trips/ workshops/ theatre visits/ practical lessons. We are always willing to support families and give as much advance notice as possible to help them budget for costs.
There are two types of financial contributions for which parents can be asked in relation to educational activities:
They have different limitations as set out below.
Voluntary contributions: Voluntary contributions are requested by the school in the following circumstances:
Trips/ Visits:
When organising school trips or visits which enrich the curriculum and educational experience of the children, the school invites parents to make a contribution to the cost of the trip. All contributions are voluntary. If we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions, we may cancel a trip. If a trip goes ahead, it may include children whose parents have not paid any contribution. We do not treat these children differently from any others.
If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event, but is unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, we do allow the child to participate fully in the trip or activity. Sometimes, the school pays additional costs in order to support the visit.
If parents are experiencing financial difficulties, they are invited to write in confidence to the Head teacher (also please see the section on Remissions Policy)
Non-Uniform Days:
From time to time the school may decide to hold a non-uniform day. These days are usually related to fundraising for charity or for our school fund. We ask for a voluntary donation on these occasions. If a parent wishes their child to take part in a non-uniform day but is unwilling or unable to make a donation we do allow the child to participate fully.
Permitted Charges:
Permitted charges are a direct request to cover certain costs involved with a school activity or visit. No charge can be made in respect of education provided during school hours (which excludes the midday break). Furthermore, no charge can be made for any education provided outside of school hours if this forms part of the syllabus for a public exam, or as part of the National Curriculum or religious education (non-chargeable education). A charge may be made however for board and lodgings on any residential educational visit (subject to the provisions of the LA and school’s remissions policy).
Materials & Textbooks:
Textbooks are provided free of charge, but in some subjects, additional revision guides are available, for which a charge is made.
Music Tuition:
All children study music as part of the normal school curriculum. We do not charge for this. Subject to availability and to the terms of individual tutors, we do from time to time offer children the opportunity to study a musical instrument with peripatetic teachers. Parents who wish their child to participate purchase or hire the instrument and pay the additional music lesson fee on a termly basis. These lessons may be taught individually or in small groups of children who have been chosen to learn one of a variety of instruments. The school is able to access instruments for loan through Ealing Music Service and has a small stock of instruments. The school will endeavour to arrange a loan of instruments whenever possible.
Activities Outside School Hours:
Charges can be made for activities that are outside of school hours which are run by teachers and are part of the curriculum. However, we may ask for a contribution towards materials. Where clubs provided by external providers before during or after school or at lunchtimes we may charge. Charges are made explicit at the time of offering opportunities. It is not our intention to make a profit from the clubs.
Residential Trips:
If the activity is held outside school hours and is education other than non-chargeable education, then it is regarded as an “optional extra”. A charge may be made for the full cost of the activity but must not exceed the actual cost of providing the activity. The charge may include the costs of travel, board and lodgings, additional staff costs, entrance fees, insurance, materials and equipment. However, the charge made to individual parents cannot include any cost added to subsidise parents of children who are unwilling or unable to pay the charge.
Damage/Loss to Property:
In cases of wilful or malicious damage to equipment or breakages, or loss of school books on loan to children, the school may decide it right to make a charge in full or pay part costs of the repairs.
Library Books:
We reserve the right to ask families for the full cost of any library books borrowed by children and either damaged beyond repair or not returned to the school on request.
Breakfast Clubs:
The school is currently not running a breakfast club but if these are run, there will be reasonable charge per day for this service. However, we will continue to support families in need.
School Dinners:
Parents reserve the right to choose whether their child has school dinners or a packed lunch form home. Parents/ carers who wish their child to have a school dinner must pay our catering company Harrisons online at
Please note that the School budget is for delivering education to your
Children only. The Catering Company and the School cannot serve Meals if any outstanding balance remain unpaid.
Request for copies:
Copies of school policies and other documents are available from the office and are free of charge. We are continuously updating our website and aim to make as much information available for ease of access. Documents held on the website are available to download free of charge.
Other Charges:
The Head teacher, Finance committee or Governing Body may levy charges for miscellaneous services up to the cost of providing such services, e.g. Photocopying, Signing Passport Applications, etc.
Remissions Policy:
Where non-chargeable education is provided during a residential visit then Parents who is facing hardship will receive reasonable remission of residential visit charges at the discretion of Head teacher.
Where charges are to be made by the governing body for optional extras, parents may receive a remission for the whole or part of the charge as set out in the school’s remissions policy.