Out of Borough
Out of borough pupils
You are advised to contact the Admission Team in the borough where you live and complete their In-Year Common Application Form.
You can name Tudor Primary School as one of your preferences.
Telephone Numbers for our neighbouring boroughs are as follows:
Hillingdon: 01895 556644
Hounslow: 0208 891 7514
If you are offered a place by the council they will inform us and then we will contact you to finalise your induction.
A pre-entry meeting will be schedule to complete any relevant paperwork; you will meet our EAL leader.
You will be contacted by our EAL Leader who will discuss with you an Induction day and time during this time they will meet you and your child to look at their educational needs, previous education, language etc.
If at any time you have a query about the admissions please speak to Ms Darji.
Please see our Admissions Policy for further information.
Transfer to other schools
Parents who wish to transfer their child to another school are requested to inform the school office prior to transfer, so that the relevant records can be sent to the next school and the child taken off roll. You will also need to fill in a 'Leavers Form'
Please follow the Ealing Borough link below for more details on admissions - such as how admissions are prioritised, appeals procedure etc.