English Reading
Reading Intent
We know that Reading is a fundamental skill, important to learning and to opportunities in life. It is also a skill that provides immense lifelong pleasure and learning. We want to empower and enable all our pupils to become proficient, fluent readers who read for meaning as well as enjoyment. Tudor School is located in Southall in the borough of Ealing. Many of our pupils have English as an additional language (EAL) and we have a significant number of disadvantaged pupils. We aim to ensure that our Reading Curriculum develops the social, cultural, linguistic and emotional understanding of our pupils as well as their fluency and understanding of text. We use carefully selected high quality core textbooks which reflect and celebrate our school community alongside building cultural capital and shared understanding.
At Tudor Primary, we strive to develop the full potential of all our pupils so they read a wide range of materials fluently, critically and with understanding. We want to foster children’s ability to read for enjoyment and information through exposure to a wide range of literature. We believe reading opens up a new world for children.
We aim for our pupils to develop the following:
- Accuracy, automaticity and prosody when reading
- Knowledge of an extensive and rich vocabulary.
- Reading comprehension strategies which support children to comprehend the meaning of what they are reading.
- Reading for enjoyment and information.
- The ability to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas through discussions and debate
- The opportunity to explore new ideas, cultivate new knowledge and develop their cultural capital through a rich and varied range of texts including our rich and varied literary heritage .
The following factors have been taken into consideration when designing our reading curriculum:
- Promotion of a culture of reading
- The importance of reading in supporting learning across the wider curriculum.
- The importance that reading plays in developing pupils’ social and emotional skills.
- The books chosen reflect our community and the aims and values of the school.
- Children revisit key reading skills in multiple different contexts
- Children make connections and build their reading schemas through revisiting key skills in different contexts.
- National Curriculum documentation including and The Reading Progression document
Reading in EYFS
A range of carefully-planned provision is continuously accessible for pupils in both Nursery and Reception in order for them to develop their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. This includes whole class literacy sessions linked to the whole-class. Children learn through a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities which allows them to practise and develop core skills.
Reading activities in EYFS include:
- Whole class daily phonics lessons using the Read Write Inc Scheme
- Phonics within the environment (both indoors and outdoors) to revisit and embed skills
- Daily story time sessions
- Phonic interventions
Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction
We incorporate Rosenshine’s principles of instruction within the lesson. This includes:
1: Reviewing material.
2: Questioning.
3: Sequencing concepts and modelling.
4: Stages of practice.
Key Stage 1
Children in Key stage 1 the focus is on developing decoding skills alongside comprehension skills. However in Year 2 there is a greater emphasis on developing fluency. We place high importance on shared story time, particularly in Year1 to foster the enjoyment of books, extend children’s vocabulary and develop comprehension skills.
Children in Key stage 1 develop their reading skills in the following ways:
- Whole class daily phonics lessons using the Read write Inc phonics scheme.
- Whole class daily English lessons based on core texts in the English curriculum map.
- Daily planned story time sessions. ( Yr1)
- Read write Inc comprehension.
- Whole class reading sessions. (Yr2)
- Reading skills are also developed through lessons across the curriculum.
- Daily story time sessions.
- Individual reading
Reading in KS1
In key stage 1, we use a hybrid model to teach reading. The children learn to read though the RWI phonics session which takes place five times a week. Children are grouped according to their phonics assessments. Each Read Write Inc lesson begins with a ‘Speed Sounds’ lesson. This is where children are taught a new sound. Each week children will learn 2-3 sounds, and will revisit previous sounds taught. The lesson follows the same pattern each day so children quickly become familiar with them. The first four activities prepare the children for reading the book.
- Reading Activity 1- This activity reinforces the sounds that are covered in the story. The children work in partners to quickly read the sounds at the front of the book.
- Reading Activity 2 In this activity the children practice their Fred talk reading words that they will meet in the book. The teacher also uses my turn your turn to develop instant recognition of Red words.
- Reading Activity 3- In activity 3 the teacher introduces the story in a way that engages the children. Reading Activity 4 -This activity checks any vocabulary that the children may be unfamiliar with. Keen fed up chunk
- Reading Activity 5- By the time the children reach Reading Activity 5 they have already read many of the words they will meet in the story, they are familiar with the storyline and are familiar with any new vocabulary. In this activity the children take turns to read the story. So Partner 1 points to the words, whilst partner 2 reads – the partners then swap at the bottom of each page. The teacher then reads the story to the children to model reading with fluency. Reading Activity 6 -The children re-read the story as in Activity 5. The children then discuss and answer the questions to talk about at the back of the book.
- Reading Activity 7 -This activity focuses on reading with fluency and expression.
Once the children have completed the phonics programme, they move onto a 20 week RWI comprehension programme. This is to continue to develop fluency alongside reading for comprehension skills. Throughout the teaching of reading in Key Stage 1 children are encouraged to reflect on what they have read and articulate their own thoughts and views through discussion.
We believe that shared reading through story books is important to developing comprehension and reading for meaning. In Year1, in addition to reading stories for pleasure, a 30 minute session takes place which focuses on book talk around a reading book. This book is used for the whole week. Within the week, there is a focus on extending and developing vocabulary and reading for meaning. This takes place through discussions, drama, role play etc.
In Year 2, children also partake in whole class guided reading. This is planned using reading vipers and each week there is a different comprehension focus. Within the whole class reading session there remains a focus on prosody and fluency through shared reading (including choral and echo reading strategies). There is also a focus on:
- Learning and clarifying new vocabulary
- Reading vipers to teach comprehension skills.
- Independent reading tasks
Key Stage 2
In Key stage 2 the focus remains on developing fluency and prosody in reading alongside comprehension skills. Reading is taught through the core text for literacy where children develop and progress the necessary reading skills to enable them to become proficient readers. This includes opportunities to discuss, debate and make connections and links through book talk.
Children in KS2 develop their reading skills in the following ways:
- Daily reading lessons based on core texts in the English Curriculum map.
- Daily story time sessions
- Reading skills are also developed through lessons across the curriculum
- Comprehension activities
- PixL interventions linked to reading strategies
Whole Class Reading Lessons in KS2
In KS2, teachers plan four reading sessions a week which are based on the core text from the English curriculum map. The fifth reading lesson is linked to the teaching of comprehension activities. Where appropriate, the core tests are linked to themes and topics across the curriculum. Across the week reading lessons focus on the following:
- Prosody: Children are explicitly taught prosody and fluency in reading. This includes echo reading and performance reading.
- Vocabulary: Each week lessons are taught linked to clarification of vocabulary. This is where new vocabulary is learnt. Where appropriate, the new vocabulary is linked into writing.
- Reading the text: The adult models reading a paragraph/section of the text. Children are chosen to read out loud as the class follows in their own copy of the text and children also read in pairs.
- Whole class reading discussion: The teacher presents 3-4 key questions on the board which children work in pairs to answer before taking part in a class discussion led by the adult. This can be linked to a particular reading skill or theme.
- Reading Vipers: Reading vipers are used to teach comprehension skills.
- Book talk: This is an opportunity for the children to discuss and debate the text that they are reading.
- Independent Task: Children complete activities and questions which are matched to their reading needs. This includes questions linked to Point Evidence, Explanation activities, research and note-taking, text marking etc.
English lessons
Reading and writing skills are intrinsically linked and we believe that children learn best in both areas when lessons are designed around high quality and engaging whole class texts. The same core text is used for both reading and writing to prevent cognitive overload but also to provide time for children to read, explore and enjoy the book.
English curriculum maps are set out for each year group which contain the ‘core texts’ to be covered over the year and include fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. These texts have been selected very carefully to represent our school community, develop their knowledge of our literary cultural heritage and link to the school curriculum and aims.
Reading across the curriculum
Communication which includes becoming a proficient reader is a key aspect of our whole school intent. Therefore, in addition to dedicated English lessons, whole class reading sessions and story times, teachers plan opportunities for reading for information across the curriculum as well as applying reading skills for understanding. Subject leaders also support this by including key vocabulary.
Developing an understanding of a wide range of vocabulary is important for academic success across the curriculum. This is particularly important for the children that we serve in our community. Within reading lessons and across the curriculum, a range of strategies are used to develop and deepen understanding of key words.
Vocabulary likely to contribute to academic success and technical vocabulary is explicitly taught in every year group in order to ensure our children can access the curriculum appropriately. However, we do not neglect or assume that pupils know the meaning of everyday words that they come across in reading and ensure that these are also taught. In every subject, teachers identify, teach and provide opportunities for children to apply key vocabulary. Subject leaders support this by providing a progression map for vocabulary.
Story Time
Story time takes place daily in every year group for approximately 15 minutes. The primary aims of story time sessions are to promote a love of reading in our children and to ensure they are exposed to a wide variety of literature (and vocabulary) which supports both their academic and personal development. Each year group has been provided with a set of core books that are linked to the 5 plagues of literacy. This is to provide pupils with texts that expose them to a wide range for vocabulary and themes. Within the story time session there is opportunities for book talk.
On line Reading
At Tudor Primary school we use the programme, Read Theory to support reading at home. This is often given as a home learning task and supports reading fluency as well as comprehension skills. Reading activities are set according to the child’s reading ability.
Reading at home
We expect Children to read at home five times a week for twenty minutes. They record what they have read in their home reading records which should be signed by parents/carers each time .Teachers check these records regularly and liaise with parents regularly to support with reading at home. .
Children engaged in the RWI system, are provided with phonics appropriate books to practise reading independently at home. This includes the phonics book that they are reading in their group. Once children finish the RWI system, they take home a colour book banded books home; these are closely matched to the child’s reading ability and should be independently decodable .All children also take home a library book which can be changed weekly.
Guidance for Parents
We offer guidance and support for parents to help their children with reading. This includes;
- At the start of every academic year, we have parent’s meetings where the expectations for Reading are shared with the parents.
- Reception Phonic Meeting- Parents informed about how to teach phonics Year One Phonic Parent Meeting – Parents are invited to come and learn about how we teach Phonics and the requirements of the phonic Screening Check.
- Regular workshops for parents where parents/carers can watch teachers/support staff model the strategies discussed or put them into practice during a reading activity with their child.
- Phonics videos are downloaded onto our google drive for parents to access
- Before school morning session for children in EYFS and KS1 to read alongside their parents. Teaching staff offer support during these sessions.
Access to Books
We are aware that often the children in our community do not have access to many books. It is important that we introduce them to the community library which allows them the opportunity to obtain a library card. Library visits take place each year for this reason. In addition to this, every child receives a book that they can keep at the end of each term.
Book Corners
Every classroom has a dedicated reading area which is exciting, attractive, contains a range of fiction and non -fiction books, different genres and promotes a love of reading.
Author visits
Author visits has been designed to enthuse and motivate pupils about the joys of reading. The visits are planned well in advance to ensure they can have maximum impact on pupils’ learning and teachers integrate the visit into their English lessons. Efforts are also made to ensure many of the authors are from a BAME background in order to reflect our own school community and promote high aspirations for our pupils’ futures.
Library Visits
Across the year, each class visits the community library to become familiar with the library, story time and to provide children with the opportunity to apply for a library card.
Books for children
We recognise that many of our children do not have books at home. For this reason, at the end of each term, each child chooses a book to take home. Recycled books are also given to the children.
Additional support with reading
Children who require additional support with their reading skills predominately have their needs met through quality first teaching in the classroom however in some cases additional support is provided outside of ‘normal’ lessons. Interventions are time limited to ensure that children do not miss out on the curriculum and progress is tracked carefully. We use the following interventions in school:
- Small group phonics sessions are run by support staff who have received specialist training.
- One to one phonics tutoring using the RWI programme
- PixL interventions are used with small groups. This is aimed at pupils who are able to decode effectively but have issues with reading comprehension or need further work on developing fluency and prosody. .
- One to one individual reading sessions for pupils that continue to work on fluency.
Teachers use a range of strategies to gain information to provide the pupil and the teacher with information which can then be used to improve future teaching and learning, identify misconceptions and address gaps in learning. Teachers evaluate each lesson to identify the next steps in learning through effective questioning, discussions and collecting evidence from written work Teachers also use assessment to determine within reading the fluency and prosody of a child and the ability to apply comprehension skills. Verbal and written feedback as well as peer or self-assessment tasks are used to support pupil progress.
The following assessments also take place in reading:
- Phonics assessments: half termly. From this information children are regrouped and pupils are identified for phonics catch up and one to one phonics sessions.
- PixL assessments: These takes place on a termly basis in Year 2- 6 and twice a year in Year 1. In year 1 these are diagnostic assessments. The data collected identified pupils that are falling behind and may need small group interventions. Pupils are tracked using PixL assessments termly.
- Prosody and decoding checklist: This is completed termly to track pupil’s fluency in reading.
- Eskimo reading test: This is completed for specific groups of pupils including SEN pupils
Summative assessment and reporting to parents and carers
At the end of the summer term a summative judgement is made on each child’s reading attainment to ascertain whether the child is working at the expected level (or above) and the progress made over the year. This is reported to parents in the end of year report.