Admissions Policy
Admissions Policy
Review date: June 2023
Next review date: June 2025
Level of Approval: Chair of Children, Families, Communities & Safeguarding Committee
Tudor Primary School serves a very diverse local community. This community is continuing to evolve and change. In recent years’ new communities have emerged speaking many different languages.
Tudor Primary has one of the highest mobility percentages of all Ealing primary schools. A very high percentage of our mid-phase admissions are new to the UK and may have lived in more than one country prior to arrival. Many speak little or no English on admission and may have had disrupted or no previous formal education.
The school has developed to provide many supportive aspects to meet the needs of our community including staff speaking community languages at all levels.
How to get a place at Tudor?
We accommodate children from ages 3 to 11. We are a two form entry school with two classes in each year group.
We strongly recommend families to come and visit us first. We hold parent tours and advise all parents/carers to tour the school before reading reports to ensure our school feels right for the child and family.
If parents/carers have a query about the admission process, they can contact the school office.
Nursery places
Tudor Primary and Nursery School will continue to maintain the waiting list for nursery places.
Subject to places being available, pupils enter the nursery upon reaching their 3rd birthday. There are 25 morning and 25 afternoon Nursery places.
Application forms can be obtained from the school office and once a place becomes available, parents/carers /carers will be contacted by our admissions officer, Mrs Darji. Once the place is confirmed we will arrange a date and time to come in for an Induction for the teachers to meet the parents/carers and child and likewise for the parent and child to meet the teachers.
Reception – Year 6
For places in Reception or year 1 to year 6 parents/carers must contact the Ealing Council admissions team who will guide you on school availability and the next steps.
Tel: (020) 8825 5511 (9am-12pm) or Tel: (020) 8825 6339 (9am-12pm)
Primary Admissions
Ealing Education Services
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL
The criteria used is as above.
Out of borough pupils
Parents/carers are advised to contact the Admission Team in the borough where they live and complete their In-Year Common Application Form. Parents /carers can name Tudor Primary School as one of their preferences.
Telephone Numbers for our neighbouring boroughs are as follows:
Hillingdon: 01895 556644 Hounslow: 0208 891 7514
Once a child has been offered a place by the council, the council will inform the school and our Admissions Officer will contact the parent to arrange an Induction.
Transfer to other schools
Parents/carers who wish to transfer their child to another school are requested to inform the school office prior to transfer and fill out a ‘leavers form’, so that the relevant records can be sent to the next school and the child can be taken off roll.
Mid-phase admissions
Mid –phase are pupils who join the school outside normal admission dates.
At Tudor Primary School we recognise that:
- All children are entitled to education and access to the whole school curriculum.
- Children may join the school for a variety of reasons.
- Some pupils who arrive during the school term may have experienced difficulties. This may include being homeless and in temporary accommodation, having attended several schools already and having a disrupted education, recently arriving from another country or being a refugee or asylum seeker who has fled from armed conflict and persecution.
- Parents/ carers are always welcomed, supported and involved so that we can teach their children effectively.
- To provide a warm welcome for children and their parents/carers who arrive mid- phase; this will reassure them that our school is a safe and caring environment.
- To provide children and families with effective information about our school, the curriculum and the local area.
- To acknowledge and celebrate the skills and knowledge that new children bring to the school.
- To develop strategies to encourage new pupils to make friends and have positive peer support.
- To enable each child to participate in the curriculum at an appropriate level
- To ensure that children with medical needs are properly assessed on entry to the school.
- To record relevant information about a child’s background and previous educational experiences.
- To ensure that the wider needs of the children and their families are addressed through co-ordination with other agencies and services
Procedure for mid-phase admissions
- If children are offered a place by the council, parents will inform the school and the induction meeting will be scheduled to complete any relevant paperwork
- Parents / Carers are contacted by Mrs Darji to ask if they wish to accept/decline the offer.
- If accepted, the parents/carers and child are invited to visit the school at an arranged date/ time.
- Ms. Darji confirms acceptance with Ealing and checks Portal for any previous school
- Admission Pack and induction materials are prepared by Ms. Darji and Ms. Patel.
- Parents/carers are asked to bring in documents and to collect Admission forms.
- A pre-entry meeting will be scheduled to complete any relevant paperwork.
During this session Mrs. Darji or Ms. Patel (EAL TA) will meet the parent and child to look at their educational needs, previous education, language etc.
During this time, Mrs. Darji or Ms. Patel will meet the parent and child to look at their educational needs, previous education, language etc.
If at any time parents/carers have a query about the admissions they then contact Mrs. Darji. - Ms Darji meets SENCO and Deputy / Head to decide class allocation.
- Ms Darji informs the class teacher.
Pre Admission Induction Meeting
- Inductions conducted by Ms Patel
- Parents and pupil have a tour of the school
- Ms Patel checks and supports completion of the Parents / Carers and informs them of the start date including previous schooling, FSM form,, health needs, consent forms etc
- Ms. Darji informs the teacher of the start date.
Admission Day
- On day of Admission Ms. Darji contacts the previous school if applicable to ask for UPN, CTF, DoA, SEN information ,any records etc Most schools now only send referral forms rather than books, reports etc. If any are given to the school, they are passed on to CT/Phase Leader.
- Ms. Darji accesses the child’s CTF and downloads this into Sims.
- Ms Patel gives copies of New Pupil Admission Form to school office staff.
- Baseline History Form copy to be given to , CT and kept by Ms Patel if requiring EAL support.
Senco /SGO contacted if relevant. Ms Hafeez is to check the portal for FSM status
Roles and Responsibilities
Below are outlined the key roles for different members of the school staff. However, we recognise that all staff and children in the school have a role in welcoming new pupils.
School Office staff will:
- Welcome families who visit the school to enquire about school places and direct them to the Local Education Authority for school admissions applications.
- Provide families with information about the school.
- Contact families to arrange a date and time for the admission interview.
- Ensure the New Pupil Admission Form is completed correctly and a copy is given to Ms. Patel.
- Request data from previous settings if in the UK
- Welcome children and families on the admission day.
Class teachers will ensure that the learning and pastoral needs are met by:
- Reading the Pupil Admission Form and the Supplementary Questions for EAL Admissions Form.
- Helping children to learn class routines, rules and expectations.
- Preparing the other children in the class for new arrivals and setting up a buddy system to support new arrivals.
- Employing the skills of class peers to welcome children through a range of activities.
- Ensuring that the class is a safe and welcoming place for all newly-arriving children by preparing a coat hook, tray, books and equipment as appropriate.
- Use EAL supportive strategies and consider seating, buddying, supportive communication and visuals etc
- Carry out assessments on pupils that have been in the country for more than two years in Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing and Maths and data is to be recorded on HFL marksheets
- Acknowledging children’s previous learning, achievements, experiences and cultural backgrounds.
- Building on and extending children’s existing progress and achievement.
- Disseminating information to classroom assistants.
- Liaising with the Learning Mentor, SENco and EMA/EAL coordinator as appropriate.
The EAL specialist will:
- Enter the child’s details on to the database of mid-phase admission pupils.
- Carry out a baseline assessment of the child in Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing and Maths if they are new to the country and communicate the outcome to the child’s class teacher.
- Timetable New to English support where appropriate
- If EAL, Induction staff may use a Young Interpreter to support induction
- Assess all new or relatively new EAL pupils within three weeks of admission forms ( Proficiency in English scale A- E ) as appropriate and pass them on to the class teacher and office within 2 weeks.
- Advise class teachers on strategies and resources for accessing the curriculum.
- Liaise with class teachers and other staff on the progress of new arrivals.
- Address wider needs of new arrivals and their families by making referrals to other agencies and services as appropriate.
- Organise and attend the Parent Review meeting where required.
- Liaise with the EAL department at the previous school when appropriate.
- Develop effective ongoing communication with children and families.
- Provide /support interventions to support learning where possible
The SENco will:
- Liaise promptly with class teachers when a child arrives with identified Special
- Educational Needs.
- Act on concerns expressed by class teachers about new arrivals by observing the child and liaising with involved staff and parents.
- Make referrals to other agencies and services where necessary.
- Liaise with the SENCO at the previous school as and when appropriate.
- Liaise with the head teacher when a new arrival has been identified that has educational or behavioral needs which have funding implications.
- Advise class teachers on strategies and resources for accessing the curriculum.
- Attend Parent Review meetings when required.
Chair of Children, Families, Communities & Safeguarding Committee Ms Gibbons.