Curriculum Intent
Curriculum Intent
Our aim is to ensure that our curriculum is inclusive, ambitious and creative for all pupils.
We aim to raise aspirations and prepare pupils for the next stage of learning.
It has been designed to take account of the legal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary National Curriculum.
Our curriculum is built on strong pedagogical principles of cognitive learning where pupils are able to make connections and build schemas to ensure learning is retained in their long term memory.
We want our children to master deep knowledge and skills within each subject and apply them across other areas.
We strive to reflect and celebrate our school community. Our curriculum is customised to meet the needs of our pupils and provide relevant and meaningful learning through carefully chosen experiences.
We want every child to achieve their potential, achieving high academic and personal success enabling them to access and benefit from rich and varied opportunities in life.
We endeavour to educate and enable them to understand and appreciate their responsibility to the environment, others and themselves
Implementation of our curriculum demands highly skilled teachers with good subject knowledge.
Learning is carefully sequenced to enable coherent progression in order to allow learners to build their understanding of disciplinary skills and substantive concepts.
It is developmental and incremental. Where appropriate links are made between subjects and units of learning which support pupils to connect and deepen understanding to ensure that knowledge is secured in the long term memory
Rosen shine’s Principles of Instruction are integral to the implementation of the curriculum in order to embed and check understanding. This pedagogical framework explicitly involves small step learning and formative assessment to incrementally develop knowledge and secure retention.
The design of our curriculum is premised around the key principles of:
- Progression of substantive and disciplinary knowledge through first hand experiences –
- Communication to ensure that all pupils are confident and articulate speakers –
- Opportunities through the development of cultural capital, enrichment activities and outcomes which are relevant to the pupils and equip them with the necessary skills for the next stage if learning.
- Personal Growth through the development of awareness and transferable skills to be resilient, aspirational and problem solvers.
- Environment and sustainability where our pupils are responsible custodians of our world.
- There is a key focus in our curriculum on literacy, numeracy and problem solving and their application in different contexts.
- We believe that our fundamental task is to teach our children to speak clearly and articulately and to read and write effectively.
- Reading across all curriculum areas is a priority to extend and deepen pupils understanding and develop vocabulary.
- Our wider curriculum recognises the importance of pupils’ physical and mental well-being in shaping their long term life-style choices
- Our pupils have access to a wide range of opportunities which promote personal safety and pupil voice.
- We intend for pupils to leave our school as confident resilient learners who have the knowledge and awareness to make informed choices as they enter the next stage of their life.
- We recognise that learning is a change to the long term memory, personal growth and learning behaviours.
- We review the impact of our curriculum through :Pupil Voice
Parent Voice, Staff Confidence
- Progress pupils make in term of recalling, applying and transferring learning across a range of contexts.
- Pupils understand and apply the disciplines of the curriculum subjects.
- Progress in the ability to understand, articulate and communicate clearly and confidently across a range of contexts.
- A reflection of standards achieved across intended outcomes.
- Pupils understand how to be healthy physical and emotionally.
- Pupils understand how to be risk aware and stay safe.
- Pupils are aware of, aspire to and be able to access wide and rich opportunities that they may not have otherwise have had exposure to.
- Demonstration of the understanding and ability of being personally, environmentally and socially responsible.