Religious Education (RE)
At our school the aim of the Religious Education curriculum is to create tolerant global citizens, who demonstrate an outstanding level of religious understanding and knowledge. The curriculum is designed to play a role in the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The principle aim of RE is to provide pupils with the opportunity and tools to develop an understanding and appreciation for the beliefs, cultural practices and knowledge principle religions in the local, national and wider global community.
The key aims for religious education are reflected in the two attainment targets.
- Attainment Target 1- Learning about region and belief
- Attainment Target 2- Learning from religion and belief
We value and celebrate all the beliefs that children and parents have at Tudor Primary School and aim to create a culture where children can express their beliefs alongside gaining tolerance and respect of the beliefs of others.
In EYFS, children explore RE through the early learning goal of Understanding the World. This occurs through learning based on the children’s own experience of religion and beliefs, Children learn about similarities and differences between each other along with caring and showing respect for others
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Religious Education is taught according to the London Borough of Ealing’s agreed syllabus, where children develop an insight into their own and different religions. Religion is an important aspect of everyday life which is evident through the many beliefs and customs observed in our society today. It is therefore important that our children learn about the diversity of beliefs and are given the skills and knowledge to understand and respect the value of each religion.
Each unit of learning is linked to a religion, humanism or a theme whose learning journey is planned around a big question which is linked to the Ealing Agreed Syllabus. The children explore the question through smaller specific questions based on the bigger question for the unit.
Our curriculum allows pupils acquire the necessary substantive knowledge alongside developing the following disciplinary skills within RE:
- Beliefs, teachings and sources of wisdom and authority
- Practices and ways of life
- Ways of expressing meaning
- Identity, diversity and belonging
- Meaning, purpose and truth
- Values and commitments
The following categories of knowledge are used to support pupil retention of information by fostering the development of schemas:
- Believing
- Belonging
- Behaving
Children are assessed throughout RE lessons against the learning questions stated in the long-term plans, which are taken from the Ealing Agreed Syllabus. Teachers use the following strategies as part of formative assessment to determine what the children have remembered:
- questioning,
- talk opportunities,
- low stake quizzes,
- Pupil’s books.