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Tudor Primary School


Tudor School Pupil Premium Grant 3 Year Strategy 2019- 2022

Year 1: September 2019- September 2020



When making decisions about using pupil premium funding it was important to consider the context of the school and the subsequent challenges faced by our proportion of pupil premium children.

Common challenges for pupil premium children at Tudor Primary include the following: ​ overcrowded, temporary and unstable housing, high mobility, digital access challenges, lack of space and resources to study at home and/or play safely outside, EAL, attendance and punctuality issues. The school recognises that whilst a significant number of our pupils are not eligible for recourse to public funds, due to immigration and benefit reasons, they would otherwise be considered as meeting the criteria of “disadvantaged”. We are in the 4th Quintile of deprivation officially but recognize that for reasons above there is a lot of hidden /masked deprivation.


The School’s Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) strategy for  September 19 – September 2021  identifies the following aims to overcome barriers to educational achievement for our pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding:

  • To accelerate the attainment of pupils to narrow the gap between Pupil Premium and Non Pupil Premium who may also be disadvantaged due to points noted above.
  • To accelerate the progress of a percentage of PP at ARE to Greater Depth .
  • To accelerate progress of lower attaining disadvantaged pupils in Reading.
  • To improve the equality of teaching of literacy and language.
  • To improve access to learning opportunities including to books, trips and workshops to increase cultural capital.
  • To address the barriers of social, emotional and mental health needs which impact on learning, behaviour, confidence and resilience
  • To  increase levels of parental engagement due to confidence,  language and economic barriers
  • To  increase parental knowledge of the curriculum to enable parents to support their children
  • To address the barriers of low attendance, punctuality and disrupted education amongst PPG pupils

1. Summary information


Tudor  Primary School

3 Year Academic Plan


Cycle Y1 2019-2020

No. of pupils eligible for PPG


Total number of pupils


Total PP budget


Date for next internal review of this strategy

Summer 2020


2. Previous years  attainment – End of KS2 performance July 2019


Pupils eligible for PP

not eligible for PP (national average)

% achieving in reading, writing and maths



Progress scores in reading



Progress scores in writing



Progress scores in maths




3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP, including high ability) – see above

In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor oral language skills)


Ks2 Reading results were lower than Ealing  and National due to   poor language acquisition in vocabulary and  knowledge


Sentence structure and vocabulary is weak in writing in pupils who are low secure in writing


  Learning behaviour is often passive and receptive rather than active and investigative.

External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)


Attendance rates for pupils eligible for PP are 95.7% (target for all children of 96%). However, 11.7 % of this group are Persistent absentees .This reduces their school hours and causes them to fall behind on average.

4. Desired outcomes


Desired outcomes and how they will be measured

Success criteria


To develop teachers’ pedagogy – with focus on planning, assessment and delivery so that the quality of education is improved, leading to increased outcomes for pupils, particularly in literacy.

  • KS2 results will show an upward trend in Reading over the strategy cycle.
  • Teachers subject knowledge is secure in reading and writing through: ability  to articulate a unit of learning and why  
  • Planning demonstrates skills and knowledge pitched at age appropriate level
  • AFL effectively used to address gaps in learning and challenge 
  • Increased percentage of pupils attaining ARE/and or accelerate progress ( see target setting )


Pupils make at least good progress in writing demonstrating clear structures within their work.

Developing subject knowledge  and pedagogy of staff in  writing

Pupils effectively use the correct grammar structures within their writing for meaning

Pupils use precise vocabulary to enhance their writing.

Pupils can write confidently across a range of genres and for a range of purposes.


To develop the pedagogy and cultural capital to facilitate positive learning behaviours and to widen pupils experiences beyond their own experiences.

Different approaches  are  explored  by SLT to develop independence

CPD to train staff on selected approaches across the school  

Approaches are embedded in school practice

Pupils are actively engaged  and challenged in learning


Increased attendance rates for pupils eligible for PP with attendance rates below 90% currently.

Reduce the number of persistent absentees among pupils eligible for PP.






5. Planned expenditure

Academic year


The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.

 1: Quality of teaching for all

Desired outcome

Chosen action / approach

What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review implementation?

A. Improved teaching of reading  across the school

  • Staff training on the pedagogy and  teaching of Reading
  • Supported planning with teacher
  • Modelling of the teaching of Reading
  • Learning Walks  within Reading sessions
  • Peer observations and Team Teaching
  • Explicit support and teaching of Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary


  • Reading is a priority identified in our SEF because Reading Attainment has dipped  by the end of KS2
  • The structure and approach to the teaching of Reading has changed to give greater emphasis to explicit teaching of content domains and associated underlying reading skills.


English Reading Lead to deliver training.


CPD within Reading


Teacher Support

Teacher Voice

Learning Walks to review practice

Book Scrutiny

Pupil voice


English lead


B. Pupils make at least good progress in writing demonstrating clear structures within their work.

  • Embed  a writing approach based on Pie Corbett in Key Year groups to cascade across the  school


  • Developing big picture planning  writing  through a core text


  • Explicit teaching of Grammar


  • Explicit support and teaching of Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary


  • High quality modelling and scaffolding is necessary to  support enriched literacy
  • 99% of our pupils are EAL with many who have disrupted/no English language
  • High mobility of pupils, means they need to be taught formal grammatical structures in English and precise understanding of vocabulary
  • Our baselines are low upon entry
  • Our pupils experience of English is often at a very simple and low level as they have not had exposure to text and usage
  • Research shows that enriched vocabulary is crucial to improving cultural capital and reading to learn.
  • Research suggests verbal feedback  should be specific and accurate so that it is meaningful and provides specific guidance on how to improve writing

Use INSET days and staff meetings to deliver training.

Monitor books.

Moderation with partner schools Pupil Progress meetings

End of year outcomes

English lead



C. To develop the pedagogy so that lessons help to facilitate positive learning behaviours such as active engagement, independence, resilience and critical thinking.

Develop classroom practice in order to encourage more active participation e.g. through the use of more practical activities or Kagan strategies TALK 20  

Reintroduce strategies such as The Learning Pit, No Hands Up, I cannot do it YET, Growth Mindset, Mind Up and Mindfulness training etc.


Meta-cognition and self-regulation approaches have consistently high levels of impact, with pupils making an average of eight months’ additional progress. The evidence indicates that teaching these strategies can be particularly effective for low achieving and older pupils. The EEF Toolkit

More Visible Learning in classroom

Monitoring books will show that children take on challenge, learn from mistakes and persevere.

Learning walks will show a ‘have a go’ approach.



Total budgeted cost


2:  Targeted support

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review implementation?

A. Improved phonics

skills in KS1

  • Ensuring independent books taken home are matched to Phonic Level
  • Reintroducing the teaching of the  RWI  Reading Phonic books
  • To ensure that all pupils have a secure foundation in Phonics in order to be able to decode accurately and fluently to enable them to access the curriculum.

Organise timetable to ensure staff   that the structured provision of Phonics is in place.

Learning Walks to monitor teaching of Phonics

Half termly Phonics assessment.

Phonics Lead

Literacy Lead

Half Termly

  • Some of the students including new arrivals and SEND need targeted support to catch up.



  • Additional phonics


  • Interventions for targeted children
  • CPD in Phonics for new staff
  • And refresher activities for all staff


  • Refresh/raise staff awareness of Phonics in KS2  for EAL





































B: Accelerated progress  to  Greater Depth  from ARE  for more PP pupils

  • Enrichment activities to stimulate reading
  • Enterprise days.
  • Visitors/ Experts to school.
  • Book recommendations
  • Book Clubs
  • Provision of online learning platforms
  • Provide access to reading experiences e.g. librarian, library etc.
  • To provide children with books they can read/own
  • Introduce reciprocal reading
  • Ongoing review of quality text
  • Ensuring that teaching of reading challenges high attainers’ in elements of critical thinking and deeper understanding of text
  • Booster Clubs



  • To expose pupils to a range of  first-hand experiences help to engage, understand and
  • Stimulate interest in a wide range of literature.
  • To enrich the cultural capital and vocabulary of pupils through quality experiences and quality text the can connect to.
  • Many of our pupils do not have access to a library
  • Many of our pupils come from bookless homes other than the ones we  provide
  • Many of our pupils do not have reading support at home.


Pupil voice

Ensure Library slots continue to be  timetabled

 Monitor how well pupils articulate and justify their understanding of text using evidence




C: Greater progress  for lower attainers

  • Targeted reading support in Guided Reading
  • Review  Phonics teaching for New Arrivals and lower attainers in KS2
  • Review and monitor 1:1 Reading
  • Monitor and test  common exception words for Y1& 2 in KS2
  • Booster Clubs
  • Beanstalk

Many of these pupils  do not have access to books other than through school

Many do not read regularly at home

Evidence suggests that by reading regularly and frequently improves accuracy and fluency (automaticity).

Regular reading improves  mechanics of reading so that children can more easily read of meaning


Book monitoring

Pupil Progress meetings

Learning walks





































D. .To develop the pedagogy  and cultural capital  to facilitate positive learning behaviours  and to widen pupils experiences beyond their own experiences

Mind Up in EYFS

Develop Mind Up in Y1

Play Therapy

Clinical Psychology

 Talking box

Lego Therapy

Subsidising funding to enable pupils to have a range of additional social and cultural experiences that they would not have otherwise e.g. residential trips and cultural day trips to the theatre, Houses of Parliament etc.

Enable pupils to have access to a variety of enriching and educational experiences as well as exposure to a breath of quality encounters that they would perhaps not have otherwise e.g.  Visiting artists and authors, visiting drama groups, educational workshops, public transport etc.

Clubs run by teachers   linked to the physical, emotional and academic wellbeing of pupils.

Interventions which target social and

emotional learning (SEL) seek to improve

attainment by improving the social and

emotional dimensions of learning, as

opposed to focusing directly on the academic or cognitive elements of learning. SEL

programmes appear to benefit

disadvantaged or low-attaining pupils more than other pupils, though all pupils benefit on average.


The Nuffield Foundation says clubs are an

 "easy vehicle" for enrichment. The study,

found taking part in activities after the formal school day could play a role in closing the attainment gap between children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and those with more family resources. The

report says: "Compared with disadvantaged children who did not attend after-school club at the age of 11, those who attended after-school club one or two days per week had made significantly more progress than predicted. The research also found poor

children who attended after-school clubs

developed better social, emotional and

behavioural skills than those, also from

similar social circumstances, who did not. The results indicate that after-school clubs also bridged the gap between rich and poor, as children from disadvantaged homes

participated to the same extent as those from affluent ones.

Pupil voice

Parent voice

Teacher voice

Talking and Drawing

Friendship groups


All Staff


Planned enrichment learning during school



































3: Wider Outcomes

Desired outcome

Chosen action /approach

What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review implementation?

D. Increased attendance

  • Attendance group to explore supportive measures including Parent Contracts, EAO (Education Attendance Officer from Local Authority) support, EHAP (Early Help and Assessment Plans), TAC/F (Team around the child /family meetings) etc.


  • Parent Attendance contracts to be discussed and agreed with parents’ of pupils with attendance concerns.  Supportive measures to be explored with staff to reduce absences


  • Continue to schedule Meetings with parents before Persistent Absentee levels rise to an unacceptable level.
  • Attendance to be promoted through: Displays, Assemblies, school website, newsletter and awarding 100% attendance Certificates throughout the school


  • In order to narrow the attainment gap, it is necessary for pupils to be settled at school.


  • Pupil Premium pupils may sometimes require higher   support to maintain good attendance which means that the communication and support structures need to be in place. This will vary according to the needs of the family.



  • Reviewing systems and data to support the pupils
  • Being aware of the reasons and barriers to attendance and exploring solutions to meet needs.