Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) including Relationship & Sex Education
Our school uses the Ealing PSHE Scheme of work which is ambitious for all pupils. It is coherently planned and sequenced to ensure that all pupils build on and gain new knowledge and skills as they progress through primary school. We intend for all our staff to be skilled and confident in delivering PSHE.
The PSHE curriculum is broad and balanced to ensure that pupils leave primary schools with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves physically healthy, mentally healthy and safe.
Improving and enhancing the personal development of our pupils is key. We aim to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they will need to be active, respectful and engaged citizens in modern Britain.
We strive to raise aspirations and skills so that pupils have the choice to access and benefit from rich and varied opportunities in life. We endeavour to educate and enable them to understand and appreciate their responsibility to the environment, others and themselves.
Our PSHE curriculum ensures that it:
- Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils
- Instils an understanding of British Values (Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of differences, Democracy and Individual Liberty) and an appreciation of their importance in wider society.
- Prepares our children at an age appropriate level for the prospects, responsibilities and experiences they will need in their next stage of learning and beyond.
- Provides information about keeping healthy and safe, emotionally and physically;
- Encourages our children to understand how all actions have consequences and how they can make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment.
- Relationship Education is also an integral part of the PSHE curriculum. It is taught sensitively at an age-appropriate level with consideration for our community and the health and safety of our pupils.
We want our pupils to:
- Be emotionally literate, develop effective communication skills and be active responsible citizens.
- Develop resilience, independence and skills to help manage changes and challenges of childhood and adult life.
- Have high aspirations for the future and the knowledge and confidence to actively pursue them.
- Develop the understanding and skills to keep themselves and others safe and healthy.
- Develop and demonstrate respect and tolerance towards others, and understand strategies to resolve differences by exploring solutions, compromising, explaining and negotiating.
- Be positive and active members of a democratic society.
- Be able to articulate the meaning of the British Values and how these support harmony within their own and wider communities.
- Understand, accept and appreciate diversity in society.
Our Curriculum is comprehensive and inclusive. Our PSHE curriculum has a wide range of child-centred activities to ensure that learning is enjoyable for pupils.
Oracy is key to many of the lessons and communication can be through a variety of means e.g. visual, verbal, different languages, post its, drawing etc.
Staff are trained and confident to deliver PSHE and the RSHE component and to adapt it for the needs of our pupils. This includes adjusting and adapting the pace, materials and focus of lessons to develop understanding and discussion.
Learning is carefully sequenced to enable coherent progression in order to allow learners to build their understanding at an age appropriate, developmental and incremental manner.
PSHE is taught as a discrete lesson once a week but also links as an integral part of the values and ethos of our school. The Ealing PSHE scheme of work is fully planned and resourced for EYFS to Year 6. There is resourced, long, medium and short term planning from EYFS to Y6 which can be adapted by staff. There is a whole school theme for every term:
- Autumn - Health & Wellbeing,
- Spring - Living in the wider world
- Summer - Relationships. Relationships Education is a key aspect in developing PSHE and SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) and Safeguarding at Tudor School
EYFS PSHE is taught in three main strands:
- ‘Health and self-care’
- ‘Making Relationships’
- Managing Feelings and Behaviour’
PSHE in the early years is taught through a variety of adult led and child initiated activities. The interests of children guide activities and play based learning opportunities.
Key stage 1 and Key stage 2
PSHE is taught through the following strands:
· Autumn : Relationships
· Spring : Living in the Wider World
· Summer : Health and Wellbeing
PSHE is not just seen in academic progress within the subject, it is also seen in the way pupils become active, respectful and engaged citizens of modern Britain.
Within the curriculum pupils:
- Learn how to develop as emotionally, physically and economically healthy individuals.
- Understand the aspects of healthy relationships and what to do if it is unhealthy.
- Identify and enhance the transferable skills of communication and interaction with others to problem solve issues.
- Understand how to keep themselves safe and what to do if they do not feel safe.
- Recognise and understand British Values.
- Become engaged, skilled and responsible citizens.
- Understand good choices and consequences from poor choices in behaviour.
As part of the PSHE curriculum, every year pupils identify a charity to raise money for and then plan and deliver the activity
Our scheme of work contains both formative and summative assessment opportunities which supports teachers in assessing PSHE knowledge, and the application of social and emotional skills. Throughput the year, pupil voice is sampled to evidence good understanding of the objectives. Any pupil issues raised by pupil feedback informs PHSE teaching which in turn supports areas of need e.g. Good relationships skills, good online behaviour etc.
Pupils self-reflect and communicate their emotional wellbeing and aspects of PSHE e.g. British Values, Tolerance etc. are evident in school mechanisms e.g. electing to pupil bodies, setting school rules etc. In addition to this, LA Health Related and Behaviour Survey evidences positive impact of teaching points.