Key Skills; getting ready for Nursery
Getting Ready for Nursery
There are lots of ways to help your child get ready for nursery. Here are some key skills you can practise together at home.
Ask a grown-up to help you practise:
- following simple instructions, such as to collect or put away an object;
- asking simple questions and talking in sentences;
- kicking and catching a large ball;
- holding and using pencils, crayons or paintbrushes to make marks;
- moving in different ways, such as hopping, jumping and running;
- taking turns when playing games together;
- using a spoon to eat and a cup to drink;
- using the toilet and washing and drying your hands;
- putting on your coat and shoes;
- talking about stories you’ve read together;
- saying number names in order to five;
- playing counting and number games;
- talking about people who are special to you and special occasions for your family;
- talking about what you see in the world around you;
- creating sounds and singing songs;
- playing make-believe games by pretending
Other things you can do:
- Ask a grown-up to write your name into all your clothes, including your coat.
- Practise talking about things you like and enjoy doing. What are your favourite toys to play with? What do you like doing with your family at home?
- Talk about how you are feeling. Can you tell a grown-up when you feel happy or sad?
- Read stories together and sing songs and nursery rhymes. What is your favourite story? Can you sing your favourite nursery rhyme?
- Talk about coming to nursery. Do you know anyone else who will be at your nursery? What are you looking forward to?