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Tudor Primary School

Pupil Premium Statement

Pupil premium Statement


The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. School receive  funding for each pupil who at the time of the School Census  is/was registered as eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years. Pupils who have been in Local  authority care  for 6 months consistently  and children of  service personnel  are also eligible.


Tudor recognises that not all pupils who are eligible for pupil premium are underachieving, while some pupils may be underachieving and not eligible for pupil premium funding. It is school policy to plan, adapt and prepare for any individual, or group, in which any area of under-performance is evident. The school recognises that whilst a significant number of  our pupils are not eligible for recourse to public funds due to immigration and benefit reasons  they would otherwise be considered as meeting the criteria of “disadvantage”.


The school does not use this policy to displace current strategies to intervene and support its pupils. Some pupils may be achieving well, but will be entitled to funding to enhance their future educational aspirations and achievements. Deployed Pupil Premium funding may also   be of benefit pupils who are not directly PP pupils.



To provide all pupils with fair and equal opportunities to achieve and excel in all areas of the curriculum; using and applying the most effective pedagogy, (see Learning & Teaching Policy), supported by use of additional, delegated funding.

To enhance and develop wider core values such as  self esteem, social skills, , resilience, communication and other key life skills .

To support good Attendance and Punctuality.

To work in partnership with families and pupils eligible for pupil premium, to plan, monitor and evaluate support and intervention in order to secure individual progress and achievement.

To engage  and empower  parents to support  their children’s education and increase their wellbeing eg improving language and communication, IT awareness etc

To work with external partners and organisations to provide additional support for the social, emotional, health and wellbeing of all pupils with potential barriers to learning and achievement.

To ensure governors fulfil statutory responsibilities to make effective use of pupil premium funds in order to impact positively on pupils' achievement and attainment.


We will work to ensure that we will :

  • Continue to have high expectations of all our pupils at all levels .
  • Develop robust systems and procedures for planning, monitoring and reviewing the impact of pupil premium
  • Monitor delegation of funding for pupil premium
  • Ensure  appropriate allocation and use of funding for pupils training for staff and governors
  • Providing individual guidance and support for staff to ensure most effective impact of funding
  • Work with the attendance officer and SENCO to monitor pupil attendance
  • Liaise with external partners and agencies, where appropriate
  • Seek to promote the personal wellbeing of pupils and their involvement in the wider opportunities available through the extended curriculum
  • Providing regular, detailed and comprehensive information for governors and the board of directors in each school
  • Provide information on allocation for pupil premium funding via the school website and reports to governors
  • Work with designated staff to monitor attendance and evaluate against set targets.


Governors will:

Evaluate how the Pupil Premium funding is used and monitor the school’s performance management process

Develop their  own understanding of data  and raise questions  about it’s deployment and impact.

Offer staff  challenge   and scrutiny as well as support  to  school leaders and staff.

Discuss ways to support and enhance progress, learning, wellbeing, confidence, attainment and staff training.