PE and Sports Premium 2022-2023
Funding allocation - £19540
PE funding used for: Featherstone School Sports Partnership
Cost: £3,820
Intended Outcome 1: 3 PE Co-ordinator training sessions.
Three PE Co-ordinator sessions with content delivered by national partners to access topical and relevant CPD.
Links with nationally recognised partners and leading sector experts to ensure schools is up to date on national priorities.
Review: All sessions attended. Included SEN CPD and organistaion of inter school competitions and festivals.
Intended Outcome 2: To attend borough competitions organised by Featherstone SSP so that children are able to develop their skills and a positive attitude towards sport.
Impact: The children that have attended in the past were inspired to take part in other sporting activities and several children that attended the competitions have gone on to begin taking part in sports outside of school.
Review: All Year 6 children competed in at least 2 inter school competitions. We achieved a gold award from FSSP for our participation levels.
Intended Outcome 3: Featherstone SSP to run after school clubs for the whole academic year
Impact: Increase extracurricular participation
Review: FSSP ran cricket, athletics and tennis clubs which were all fully attended (72 children).
Intended Outcome 4: Youth Sports Trust membership
Impact: Subject lead support, teacher support.
Review: Received Gold award for the School Games Award
Intended Outcome 5: Primary Sports leadership programme to train Year 5 and 6 children to assist Featherstone SSP deliver a year 5 and 6 competition.
Impact: Improve self-confidence on the leaders, give them opportunities to develop leadership qualities and improve behaviour through responsibility.
Review: 16 children now trained and leading activities at lunch time which have made children in year 1-4 more active. It has also improved the confidence and independence of the leaders in class. One child even won an award for being the best young leader in the borough.
PE funding used for: Primary Stars Programme delivered by QPR
Cost: £3,960
Intended Outcome 1: Running after school and lunch time girls football clubs for key stage 2.
Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Review: Clubs ran all year and were at capacity. Pupil voice showed clubs were enjoyed and children felt like they made progress. Also at an inter school competition at the end of the year the girls reached the semi finals.
Intended Outcome 2: Every term QPR will support two teachers through a programme that will involve the class teachers observing good practice from the mentor and then building up to team teaching then finishing with them being observed by the QPR mentor. They will be shown how to use invasion games to teach children their key skills, involve all children throughout the lesson, to differentiate to support lower ability pupils and challenge more able pupils in addition to how to structure a good PE lesson.
Impact: Enhancing teacher’s knowledge, skills and confidence.
Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Review: Five teachers received a full mentoring programme while two did not complete due to sickness. Lesson drop ins have shown improvement in teachers’ delivery and staff voice has shown they are now more confident delivering PE lessons.
Included mentoring of EYFS staff which has helped implementing full EYFS curriculum.
Intended outcome 3: In the summer term QPR will run reading interventions with KS2 boys.
Impact: Greater enthusiasm for reading which will help prepare them for all aspects of school life.
Review: Six sessions delivered in total and boys displayed greater confidence in reading lessons back in class.
PE funding used for: Spence of Excellence - Early Year Sessions
Cost: £1,600 (Autumn term)
Intended Outcome: Through weekly sessions where the children work in small groups (taught by a skilled practitioner), improve the basic PE skills of children in Early Years.
Impact: Provide children in the Early Years with basic skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility that allow them to excel in PE as they progress through their education.
Review: Sessions were effective at developing children’s fundamental skills which helped prepare them for whole class lessons with class teachers in Spring and Summer terms.
PE funding used for: Spence of Excellence - Whole school lunchtime Sessions (Autumn term)
Cost: £1,600
Intended Outcome: Through daily sessions where the children work in small groups (taught by a skilled practitioner), improve the basic PE skills at lunchtimes. 20 minute sessions with each year group to focus on fundamental movement skills. Also train Year 5 and 6 pupils run activities with KS1 children.
Impact: Provide children with basic skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility that allow them to excel in PE as they progress through their education.
Review: Sessions made children more active during lunchtime and meant they were able to do activities they wouldn’t normally be able to do.
PE funding used for: Spence of Excellence - After school weekly Sessions (Autumn term)
Cost: £670
Intended Outcome 1: Running after school football club for key stage 1.
Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Improve the motor skills of children in KS1.
Review: Sessions ran throughout the autumn term. Helped to increase the number of children that participated in extracurricular activities. Also improved their fundamental movement skills.
PE funding used for: PE Planning PE Scheme
Cost: £269
Intended Outcome: Ensure comprehensive planning, assessment and progression maps are available for all year groups.
Impact: Making sure there is a clear progression between all year groups.
Ensure consistency in terms of how PE is taught throughout the school.
Review: Having a scheme helped ensure teachers had a range of activities, clear progression skills and were teaching both procedural and declarative knowledge.
PE funding used for: Transport
Cost: £500
Intended Outcome: Ensure children are able to make it safely to all sports competitions.
Impact: Making sure children get to events safely and can experience the whole event instead of leaving early to get public transport.
Review: As a result, were able to attend four inter school competitions we would have otherwise been unable to attend.
PE funding used for: Purchasing and maintaining range of PE and sports equipment.
Cost: £1496
Intended Outcome: To provide children with a greater range of PE equipment to develop their skills across the PE curriculum.
Impact: Purchasing the equipment will enable children to benefit from using the equipment to improve their skills. It has also allowed a broad PE curriculum to be taught. Also undertaking essential repairs on existing equipment to ensure that children have access to a range of apparatus and can use it safely.
Review: Ensured that we have enough equipment for a ball per child in lessons and equipment such as extra football goals which improved the quality of lessons and clubs.
PE funding used for: PE Skills boards for playground displaying FORM acronym (follow through, our balance, reactions, movement) and the key skills taught in each subject. Also a breakdown of the warm up used throughout the school
Cost: £3825
Intended outcome: A reference point which will help children to retain their declarative and procedural knowledge. Also something for teachers to refer back to during outdoor lessons to ensure motor skills and topic specific skills are being taught.
Impact: Children can quickly recall their declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge. They will be able to refer back to their previous learning which will help it transfer into their long term memory.
Review: They have helped children to retain information. Also having the boards has been a reminder for children in PE lessons so they can lead the FORM warm up themselves.
PE funding used for: Level 5 PE qualification to up level Junior Dowden (TA)’s PE teaching.
Cost: £1300
Intended outcome: Improved subject knowledge to enable him to consistently deliver high quality PE lessons.
Impact: Improved quality of PE lessons and able to support other teachers with the delivery of their PE lessons.
Review: Course will be completed in the Autumn term due to communication issues with the providers last year. The course has improved his PE delivery and also his subject knowledge and understanding of pedagogy in PE.
Hire of astro pitches for intra year group football competitions
Cost: £500
Intended outcome: Provide children in KS2 with experience of competitive sport and a good formative assessment opportunity.
Impact: Greater uptake of after school clubs, greater love of sport and teachers have a better assessment of children’s ability levels.
Review: Competition for Year 6 was very successful and gave children the opportunity to play with more space which gave them a better understanding of positions. Also gave them a chance to apply what they had learnt in PE lessons. Also prepared them well for inter-school competitions.
Sustainability: Teachers to observe external practitioners (QPR, Featherstone SSP) and then apply these strategies to into their own planning for future years.
Due to an increase in sports clubs provided children have a positive attitude towards having a healthy lifestyle and taking part in sports. This will continue for the foreseeable future.
Part of the funding has been spent on the children in early years to instill in them a love of sport and provide them with the fundamental movement skills they will need to excel in PE later in their education.
Assessing Impact: The impact of the spending is assessed through:
Number of children in extra-curricular sports club
Improved performance at external sports competitions
Improved quality of PE lessons being delivered
Increased number of children in school games organiser roles
Improved data from Year 6 and reception height and weight measuring
PE and Sports Premium 2021-2022
Funding allocation - £19540
PE funding used for: Featherstone School Sports Partnership
Cost: £3,900
Intended Outcome 1: 3 PE Co-ordinator training sessions.
Three PE Co-ordinator sessions with content delivered by national partners to access topical and relevant CPD.
Links with nationally recognised partners and leading sector experts to ensure schools is up to date on national priorities.
Intended Outcome 2: To attend borough competitions organised by Featherstone SSP so that children are able to develop their skills and a positive attitude towards sport.
Impact: The children that have attended in the past were inspired to take part in other sporting activities and several children that attended the competitions have gone on to begin taking part in sports outside of school.
Intended Outcome 3: London Broncos Community delivery to support in school to deliver numeracy and literacy programmes for upper KS2. In addition, they will run an after school tag rugby club for key stage 2 pupils.
Providing children with sporting role models.
Programme targeting underrepresented groups of young people.
Using the values of Rugby League to develop the whole child.
Using sport and physical activity to build young people’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
Individual impact report for each school.
Intended Outcome 4: Featherstone SSP to run after school clubs for the whole academic year
Impact: Increase extracurricular participation
Intended Outcome 5: Youth Sports Trust membership
Impact: Subject lead support, teacher support.
Intended Outcome 6: Primary Sports leadership programme to train Year 5 and 6 children to assist Featherstone SSP deliver their year 5 and 6 basketball competition.
Impact: Improve self-confidence on the leaders, give them opportunities to develop leadership qualities an improve behaviour through responsibility.
PE funding used for: Primary Stars Programme delivered by QPR
Cost: £3,600
Intended Outcome 1: Running after school and lunch time girls football clubs for key stage 2.
Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Intended Outcome 2: Every term QPR will support two teachers through a programme that will involve the class teachers observing good practice from the mentor and then building up to team teaching then finishing with them being observed by the QPR mentor. They will be shown how to use invasion games to teach children their key skills, involve all children throughout the lesson, to differentiate to support lower ability pupils and challenge more able pupils in addition to how to structure a good PE lesson.
Enhancing teacher’s knowledge, skills and confidence.
Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
PE funding used for: Spence of Excellence - Early Year Sessions
Cost: £4,800
Intended Outcome: Through weekly sessions where the children work in small groups (taught by a skilled practitioner), improve the basic PE skills of children in Early Years.
Impact: Provide children in the Early Years with basic skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility that allow them to excel in PE as they progress through their education.
PE funding used for: Spence of Excellence - Whole school lunchtime Sessions
Cost: £4,800
Intended Outcome: Through daily sessions where the children work in small groups (taught by a skilled practitioner), improve the basic PE skills at lunchtimes. 20 minute sessions with each year group to focus on fundamental movement skills. Also train Year 5 and 6 pupils run activities with KS1 children.
Impact: Provide children with basic skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility that allow them to excel in PE as they progress through their education.
PE funding used for: Transport
Cost: £800
Intended Outcome: Ensure children are able to make it safely to all sports competitions.
Impact: Making sure children get to events safely and can experience the whole event instead of leaving early to get public transport.
PE funding used for: Purchasing and maintaining range of PE and sports equipment.
Cost: £340
Intended Outcome: To provide children with a greater range of PE equipment to develop their skills across the PE curriculum.
Impact: Purchasing the equipment will enable children to benefit from using the equipment to improve their skills. It has also allowed a broad PE curriculum to be taught. Also undertaking essential repairs on existing equipment to ensure that children have access to a range of apparatus and can use it safely.
PE funding used for: Level 5 PE qualification to up level Junior Dowden (TA)’s PE teaching.
Cost: £1300
Intended outcome: Improved subject knowledge to enable him to consistently deliver high quality PE lessons.
Impact: Improved quality of PE lessons and able to support other teachers with the delivery of their PE lessons.
Sustainability: Teachers to observe external practitioners (QPR, London Broncos, Featherstone SSP) and then apply these strategies to into their own planning for future years.
Due to an increase in sports clubs provided children have a positive attitude towards having a healthy lifestyle and taking part in sports. This will continue for the foreseeable future.
Part of the funding has been spent on the children in early years to instil in them a love of sport and provide them with the fundamental movement skills they will need to excel in PE later in their education.
Assessing Impact: Impact of the spending is assessed through:
Number of children in extracurricular sports club
Improved performance at external sports competitions
Improved quality of PE lessons being delivered
Increased number of children in school games organiser roles
Improved data from Year 6 and reception height and weight measuring
PE and Sports Premium 2019-2020
Funding allocation - £19500
PE funding used for: Featherstone School Sports Partnership
Cost: £5,700
Intended Outcome 1: 3 PE Co-ordinator training sessions.
- Three PE Co-ordinator sessions with content delivered by national partners to access topical and relevant CPD.
- Links with nationally recognised partners and leading sector experts to ensure schools is up to date on national priorities.
Intended Outcome 2: To attend borough competitions organised by Featherstone SSP so that children are able to develop their skills and a positive attitude towards sport.
Impact: The children that have attended in the past were inspired to take part in other sporting activities and several children that attended the competitions have gone on to begin taking part in sports outside of school.
Intended Outcome 3: Join a hubsite of local schools that will involve the head of the hubsite coming in to year 5 pupils to run the Change 4 Life club and activities in the playground at lunch time to help targeted children with their confidence in physical activities in addition to providing an opportunity for less active pupils to live a healthier lifestyle. In addition, the hubsite will organise extra competitions such as b and c football competitions to provide opportunities for less able pupils to experience competitive sports. Furthermore, they will organise competitions such as Boccia and Kurling for SEND pupils so that all pupils get to experience positive sporting experiences.
Impact: The confidence and progress in PE of those children will increase while they will also hopefully be inspired to take part in other sporting activities and be more engaged in their PE lessons. Furthermore, it helps children learn about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, for example managing their weight.
Intended Outcome 4: London Broncos Community delivery to support in school to deliver tag rugby to a year 4 class. The class teacher will be present for all lessons to aid their professional development. In addition, they will run an after school tag rugby club for key stage 2 pupils.
- Providing children with sporting role models.
- Programme targeting underrepresented groups of young people.
- Using the values of Rugby League to develop the whole child.
- Using sport and physical activity to build young people’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
- Individual impact report for each school.
- Professional development for one year 4 class teacher.
Intended Outcome 5: Featherstone SSP to run Tri Golf after school club in Spring 2 and Summer 1
Impact: Increase extracurricular participation in Year 3&4
PE funding used for: Primary Stars Programme delivered by QPR
Cost: £3,040
Intended Outcome 1: Every term QPR will support two teachers through a programme that will involve the class teachers observing good practice from the mentor and then building up to team teaching then finishing with them being observed by the QPR mentor. They will be shown how to use invasion games to teach children their key skills, involve all children throughout the lesson, to differentiate to support lower ability pupils and challenge more able pupils in addition to how to structure a good PE lesson.
- Enhancing teacher’s knowledge, skills and confidence.
- Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
- Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
- Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Intended Outcome 2: Running after school and lunch time girls football clubs for key stage 2.
- Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
- Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
- Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Intended Outcome 3: Maths and literacy group sessions
Impact: Improved engagement in core subjects from year 5 and 6 children especially boys.
PE funding used for: Spence of Excellence
Cost: £5,460
Intended Outcome: Through weekly sessions where the children work in small groups (taught by a skilled practitioner), improve the basic PE skills of children in Early Years.
Impact: Provide children in the Early Years with basic skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility that allow them to excel in PE as they progress through their education.
PE funding used for: Junior Dowden – After school clubs
Cost: £2,800
Intended Outcome: Children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in a wide range of activities. Also provide less active pupils with an opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle through four after school sports clubs.
Impact: An increase in the number of children undertaking physical activity outside of curriculum time. While in previous years after school rugby and football clubs have led to teams being more competitive at borough competitions.
PE funding used for: Transport
Cost: £500
Intended Outcome: Ensure children are able to make it safely to all sports competitions.
Impact: Making sure children get to events safely and can experience the whole event instead of leaving early to get public transport.
PE funding used for: Purchasing and maintaining range of PE and sports equipment.
Cost: £1640
Intended Outcome: To provide children with a greater range of PE equipment to develop their skills across the PE curriculum.
Impact: Purchasing the equipment will enable children to benefit from using the equipment to improve their skills. It has also allowed a broad PE curriculum to be taught. Also undertaking essential repairs on existing equipment to ensure that children have access to a range of apparatus and can use it safely.
PE funding used for: London Tigers School Membership
Cost: £360
Intended Outcome:
- Ability to use good quality sports facilities.
- Use site for an improved sports day.
- A strong link to an external club to increase pupil participation in sport outside of school.
- Children more active in and out school.
- Children have greater opportunities to apply what they have learnt in PE lessons.
Sustainability: Teachers to observe external practitioners (QPR, London Broncos, Featherstone SSP) and then apply these strategies to into their own planning for future years.
Due to an increase in sports clubs provided children have a positive attitude towards having a healthy lifestyle and taking part in sports. This will continue for the foreseeable future.
Part of the funding has been spent on the children in early years to instil in them a love of sport and provide them with the fundamental movement skills they will need to excel in PE later in their education.
Assessing Impact: Impact of the spending is assessed through:
- Number of children in extracurricular sports club
- Improved performance at external sports competitions
- Improved quality of PE lessons being delivered
- Increased number of children in school games organiser roles
- Improved data from Year 6 and reception height and weight measuring
PE and Sports Premium 2018-2019
Funding allocation - £19500
PE funding used for: Featherstone School Sports Partnership
Cost: £4,500
Intended Outcome 1: 3 PE Co-ordinator training sessions.
- Three PE Co-ordinator sessions with content delivered by national partners to access topical and relevant CPD.
- Links with nationally recognised partners and leading sector experts to ensure schools is up to date on national priorities.
Intended Outcome 2: To attend borough competitions organised by Featherstone SSP so that children are able to develop their skills and a positive attitude towards sport.
Impact: The children that have attended in the past were inspired to take part in other sporting activities and several children that attended the competitions have gone on to begin taking part in sports outside of school.
- Outcome 3: Join a hubsite of local schools that will involve the head of the hubsite coming in to year 5 pupils to run the Change 4 Life club and activities in the playground at lunch time to help targeted children with their confidence in physical activities in addition to providing an opportunity for less active pupils to live a healthier lifestyle. In addition, the hubsite will organise extra competitions such as b and c football competitions to provide opportunities for less able pupils to experience competitive sports. Furthermore, they will organise competitions such as Boccia and Kurling for SEND pupils so that all pupils get to experience positive sporting experiences.
Impact: The confidence and progress in PE of those children will increase while they will also hopefully be inspired to take part in other sporting activities and be more engaged in their PE lessons. Furthermore it helps children learn about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, for example managing their weight.
Intended Outcome 4: London Broncos Community delivery to support in school to deliver tag rugby to a year 4 class. The class teacher will be present for all lessons to aid their professional development. In addition, they will run an after school tag rugby club for key stage 2 pupils.
- Providing children with sporting role models.
- Programme targeting underrepresented groups of young people.
- Using the values of Rugby League to develop the whole child.
- Using sport and physical activity to build young people’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
- Individual impact report for each school.
- Professional development for one year 4 class teacher.
PE funding used for: Primary Stars Programme delivered by QPR
Cost: £2,800
Intended Outcome 1: Every term QPR will support two teachers through a programme that will involve the class teachers observing good practice from the mentor and then building up to team teaching then finishing with them being observed by the QPR mentor. They will be shown how to use invasion games to teach children their key skills, involve all children throughout the lesson, to differentiate to support lower ability pupils and challenge more able pupils in addition to how to structure a good PE lesson.
- Enhancing teacher’s knowledge, skills and confidence.
- Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
- Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
- Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Intended Outcome 2: Running after school and lunch time girls football clubs for key stage 2.
- Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
- Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
- Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
PE funding used for: QPR Mini Superstars
Cost: £4,200
Intended Outcome: Through weekly sessions where the children work in small groups (taught by a skilled practitioner), improve the basic PE skills of children in Early Years.
Impact: Provide children in the Early Years with basic skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility that allow them to excel in PE as they progress through their education.
PE funding used for: Junior Dowden – After school clubs
Cost: £2,800
Intended Outcome: Children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in a wide range of activities. Also provide less active pupils with an opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle through four after school sports clubs.
Impact: An increase in the number of children undertaking physical activity outside of curriculum time. While in previous years after school rugby and football clubs have led to teams being more competitive at borough competitions.
PE funding used for: Subsiding Year 6 Residential Trip
Cost: £4,500
Intended Outcome: To ensure that aspects of the PE curriculum, that cover outdoor activity, are comprehensively covered.
Impact: Create experiences that enhance pupils’ classroom learning, adding opportunities pupils may not otherwise have because we are an urban school where children have limited access to natural outdoor environments in their day to day learning.
PE funding used for: Transport
Cost: £300
Intended Outcome: Ensure children are able to make it safely to all sports competitions.
Impact: Making sure children get to events safely and can experience the whole event instead of leaving early to get public transport.
PE funding used for: Purchasing and maintaining range of PE and sports equipment.
Cost: £400
Intended Outcome: To provide children with a greater range of PE equipment to develop their skills across the PE curriculum.
Impact: Purchasing the equipment will enable children to benefit from using the equipment to improve their skills. It has also allowed a broad PE curriculum to be taught. Also undertaking essential repairs on existing equipment to ensure that children have access to a range of apparatus and can use it safely.
Sustainability: Teachers to observe external practitioners (QPR, London Broncos, Featherstone SSP) and then apply these strategies to into their own planning for future years.
Due to an increase in sports clubs provided children have a positive attitude towards having a healthy lifestyle and taking part in sports. This will continue for the foreseeable future.
Part of the funding has been spent on the children in early years to instil in them a love of sport and provide them with the fundamental movement skills they will need to excel in PE later in their education.
Assessing Impact: Impact of the spending is assessed through:
- Number of children in extracurricular sports club
- Improved performance at external sports competitions
- Improved quality of PE lessons being delivered
- Increased number of children in school games organiser roles
- Improved data from Year 6 and reception height and weight measuring
PE and Sports Premium 2017-2018
Funding allocation - £19500
PE funding used for: Subsiding Year 6 Residential Trip
Cost: £3,900
Intended Outcome: To ensure that aspects of the PE curriculum, that cover outdoor activity, are comprehensively covered.
Impact: Create experiences that enhance pupils’ classroom learning, adding opportunities pupils may not otherwise have because we are an urban school where children have limited access to natural outdoor environments in their day to day learning.
PE funding used for: QPR Mini Superstars
Cost: £2,800
Intended Outcome: Improve the basic PE skills of children in Early Years
Impact: Provide children in the Early Years with basic skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility that allow them to excel in PE as they progress through their education.
PE funding used for: Footy fun 4 kids – After school clubs
Cost: £2000
Intended Outcome: Through three after school clubs a week Children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in a wide range of activities. Also provide less active pupils with an opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle (especially the Change 4 Life club.)
Impact: An increase in the number of children undertaking physical activity outside of curriculum time. While in previous years after school rugby and football clubs have led to teams being more competitive at borough competitions.
PE funding used for: Junior Dowden – After school clubs
Cost: £2550
Intended Outcome: Children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in a wide range of activities. Also provide less active pupils with an opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle.
Impact: An increase in the number of children undertaking physical activity outside of curriculum time. While in previous years after school rugby and football clubs have led to teams being more competitive at borough competitions.
PE funding used for: Purchasing and maintaining range of PE and sports equipment.
Cost: £1650
Intended Outcome: To provide children with a greater range of PE equipment to develop their skills across the PE curriculum.
Impact: Purchasing the equipment will enable children to benefit from using the equipment to improve their skills. It has also allowed a broad PE curriculum to be taught. Also undertaking essential repairs on existing equipment to ensure that children have access to a range of apparatus and can use it safely.
PE funding used for: Featherstone School Sports Partnership
Cost: £6000
Intended Outcome 1: 3 PE Co-ordinator training sessions.
- Three PE Co-ordinator sessions with content delivered by national partners to access topical and relevant CPD.
- Links with nationally recognised partners and leading sector experts to ensure schools is up to date on national priorities.
Intended Outcome 2: Mentor from Featherstone SSP to offer 1:1 support for new teachers.
Impact: Effective delivery of the PE curriculum and children making good progress.
Intended Outcome 3: To attend borough competitions organised by Featherstone SSP so that children are able to develop their skills and a positive attitude towards sport.
Impact: The children that have attended in the past were inspired to take part in other sporting activities and several children that attended the competitions have gone on to begin taking part in sports outside of school.
Intended Outcome 4: Primary Stars Programme delivered by QPR
- Enhancing teacher’s knowledge, skills and confidence.
- Increase children’s enjoyment, participation and skills.
- Increase children’s understanding of the personal skills and values they need to achieve their goals.
- Support young people to follow further participation in sport.
Intended Outcome 5: Featherstone SSP mentor to train year 5 pupils to run the Change 4 Life to help targeted children with their confidence in physical activities in addition to providing an opportunity for less active pupils to live a healthier lifestyle.
Impact: The confidence and progress in PE of those children will increase while they will also hopefully be inspired to take part in other sporting activities and be more engaged in their PE lessons. Furthermore it helps children learn about the principles of a healthy lifestyle, for example managing their weight.
Intended Outcome 6: SEN multi skills club
Impact: Increase engagement from SEN pupils in KS1 to improve their cognitive and social skills.
- Outcome 7: London Broncos Community delivery to support in schools to support the Chief Medical Officer guidelines of 30 minutes Physical Activity per day. 12 week programme, providing an intervention programme targeting young people with physical, social or emotional wellbeing issues. Access to sporting Role Models for young people to be inspired by.
- Providing schools with sporting role models.
- Programme targeting underrepresented groups of young people.
- Using the values of Rugby League to develop the whole child.
- Using sport and physical activity to build young people’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
- Individual impact report for each school.
Intended Outcome 8: Teacher Support
Impact: Mentor from Featherstone to support teachers who are new to teaching or have limited experience teaching PE so that they can teach good PE lessons.
PE funding used for: Play leader training
Cost: £300
Intended Outcome: Training children (currently in Year 5) to run lunch time activities and assist the running of inter schools competitions.
- More children gaining leadership experience for those trained as leaders. Play leader activities to mean greater inclusion for younger children and targeted groups (SEN and pupil premium) at lunch times.
PE funding used for: Transport
Cost: £300
Intended Outcome: Ensure children are able to make it safely to all sports competitions.
Impact: Making sure children get to events safely and can experience the whole event instead of leaving early to get public transport.
Sustainability: Teachers to observe external practitioners (QPR, London Broncos, Featherstone SSP) and then apply these strategies to into their own planning for future years.
Due to an increase in sports clubs provided children have a positive attitude towards having a healthy lifestyle and taking part in sports. This will continue for the foreseeable future.
Part of the funding has been spent on the children in early years to instil in them a love of sport and provide them with the fundamental movement skills they will need to excel in PE later in their education.
Assessing Impact: Impact of the spending is assessed through:
- Number of children in extracurricular sports club
- Improved performance at external sports competitions
- Improved quality of PE lessons being delivered
- Increased number of children in school games organiser roles
- Improved data from Year 6 and reception height and weight measuring
Social and Emotional skills
- parents’/carers’ engagement and confidence
- family activity levels
- children’s physical development
PE and Sports Premium 2015-2016
PE funding used for: Footy fun 4 kids – Sports lessons taught by external PE teacher two days a week.
Cost: £4,375.00
Intended Outcome: Pupils to receive outstanding PE teaching lessons. Furthermore class teachers to observe external PE teacher as part of their professional development to improve their own PE teaching and ensure that good practice in PE teaching is embedded throughout the school.
Impact: Children are making good progress in PE and the quality of PE teaching has improved.
PE funding used for: Footy fun 4 kids – After school clubs
Cost: £320.00
Intended Outcome: Children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in a wide range of activities.
Impact: An increase in the number of children undertaking physical activity outside of curriculum time. KS1 children have been able to develop their key skills through the multi skills club. While after school rugby and football clubs have led to teams being more competitive at borough competitions.
PE funding used for: Purchase of outdoor gym equipment
Cost: £2,186.30
Intended Outcome: Children to become more active during break times and develop a positive attitude towards adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Impact: Children have become more active at break times and now value the importance of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
PE funding used for: Purchasing a range of PE and sports equipment.
Cost: Approx. £200
Intended Outcome: To provide children with a greater range of PE equipment to develop their skills across the PE curriculum.
Impact: Purchasing the equipment has enabled children to benefit from using the equipment to improve their skills. It has also allowed a broad PE curriculum to be taught.
2014 – 2015
Our school has been given £9241 by the Government to improve the provision of PE.
To implement the new PE curriculum-
· £3500 Featherstone SSP—teacher training and resources, competition programme, mentoring for teachers
· New PE scheme £700 approx to support teachers in delivering high quality PE lessons
· Training for the new scheme
· Supply cover for teachers CPD
· £150 Outdoor Adventure Activities training and resources
To ensure children receive an active programme of activities at every opportunity e.g. during lunch times, after school
· J and C- 3 after school clubs and 3 lunchtime sessions to increase physical activity and support PE organising crew to deliver lunch time competitions
· Update resources eg Boccia and Kurling resources to provide activities for a wider range of pupils
· Transport to competitions
2013 - 2014
The Government gave our school £9465 to improve the provision of PE.
We plan to use the money in the following way:
£3000 to be part of the Featherstone School Sports Partnership
· Regular competitions for years 5/6
· Youth Sport Trust training for the PE coordinator
· FUNS (fundamentals skills) training and lesson resources for EYFS and KS1
· mentoring for 2 teachers in delivering the FUNS programme
£2376 to J and C PE Academy
· 2 after school clubs a week per term enabling more children to take part in sport
· 2 lunch time sessions per term which supported the pupil Organising Crew in delivering lunchtime competitions
£930 to 1st Class PE Coaching
· 1 after school club a week for 1 term
· 1 lunch time session a week for 1 term training and supporting year 5 pupils in providing a Change 4 Life club for years 3/4
The rest of the money will be used for supply cover to allow teachers to attend courses and observe good practice in school, transport to competitions and age appropriate resources including a new scheme of work.