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Tudor Primary School

Young Interpreters

The Young Interpreter Scheme provides additional support to newly arrived pupils and families by recognising the huge potential that exists within the school community for the pupils of all ages to use their skills and knowledge to support learners who are new to English so that they feel safe, settled and valued from the start.


The Scheme also supports the emotional health and wellbeing of new arrivals from the start. The Young Interpreters are all bilingual, sometimes speaking more than one language, and are chosen for their specific personal qualities such as their ability to be responsible, caring and welcoming. They use their bilingual skills to interpret and support new arrivals and can act as a buddy at playtimes and lunchtimes.


Many schools have buddy schemes, but the Young Interpreter’s Scheme provides more extensive peer support. Pupil interpreters take part in specific training to prepare them for the role and they do not replace the need for adult interpreters for situations which need this level of support.


The Young Interpreter scheme was developed by Hampshire Ethnic Minority Achievement Service.