Catchup Strategy Plan 2020-2021
Tudor Primary School – Catch-up Premium Strategy 2020 - 2021
Catch up program post COVID 19
Following the lockdown on March 28th due to COVID 19 the children of Tudor Primary School had to adapt as learners and rely on home schooling, remote teacher support and a reduced amount of face to face teaching from their class teacher. This inevitably meant that many children have gaps in their knowledge from the previous year group when they returned in September.
At Tudor Primary School, we have constructed a ‘Catch-up’ plan to ensure children can recover as much lost learning time and fill potential gaps in knowledge. This plan will focus on Quality First teaching, empowering our staff through high quality training, specific year group ‘gap’ filling, classroom intervention and small group targeted support with the child’s health and well-being at the centre of all we do.
In addition, we know that the Educational Endowment Foundation’s (EEF) Teaching and Learning Toolkit ranks strategies by the “extra months” of pupil progress they secure and topping their chart is metacognition, which has “consistently high levels of impact, with pupils making an average of eight months’ additional progress” each year.
What is the ‘Catch-up’ premium funding?
The government has announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up on learning lost due to pandemic restrictions. This includes a one-off universal £650 million Catch-up premium for the academic year 2020 - 2021 in order for schools to help all pupils make up for lost teaching time. Schools should use this funding for specific activities to enable their pupils to recover from the lack of face to face teaching of previous months. Schools have the flexibility to use this funding in the optimal way to meet the needs of their children and their circumstances.
Tudor Primary School has been allocated £80 per pupil In 3 instalments - in autumn 2020, 'early 2021' and summer 2021. There is a total of £46.67 per pupil across payments 1 and 2 and £33.33 per pupil for payment 3. This is based on the October census. Tudor Primary will receive £32800 ‘Catch-up’ funding to support interventions designed to close gaps in attainment for this academic year.
How will spending decisions about interventions be made?
Since September, school leaders have been following best practice guidance documents and approaches published by the DfES (Department for Education) and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in order to ensure that additional funding is directed in the most effective way. Approaches taken by the school will be driven by our detailed knowledge of children’s current attainment and will draw upon evidence-based strategies and interventions which are proven to have a positive impact on closing gaps.
Tudor Primary takes a ‘tiered approach’ to closing gaps and raising attainment .In addition to high-quality teaching and learning interventions within the school are timetabled for identified groups of pupils in Reading, Writing and Maths.
During October 2020, Tudor School Governors reviewed the ‘Catch-up’ premium strategy in order to ensure that selected strategies were predicted to positively impact children’s attainment. The Catch-up programme links closely to the school improvement plans and Pupil Premium Strategy. Leaders must be able to account for how money is being used to achieve the goal of ‘Catch-up’
Quality First Teaching
The curriculum will be adapted to focus on the key skills and knowledge that children need in order to access the wider curriculum. Teachers will focus on embedding these key facts in the first two terms for all core subjects whilst still teaching a percentage of non-core subjects. Units of learning missed though the lockdown period will be addressed alongside similar units of learning where the concepts and skills are pertinent for progression of learning. All other concepts will be addressed in the summer term... All teaching will take into account the children’s ability on return from the summer term 2020 and planning will be tailored to their needs. The first 10 days of the term will concentrate on wellbeing using a detailed Recovery curriculum and a whole school text. Alongside this formative assessments will be undertaken to support the teachers’ planning. Teaching will be monitored by the SLT every half term to ensure high quality teaching across the school. Pupils in each year group will receive specific targeted supported within the school day by their class teacher focusing on a range of different skills and knowledge with a particular focus on reading.
Classroom Interventions
There will be a Teaching Assistant in each class bubble to support the children at most risk of falling behind or further behind. These children will be planned for by the teacher and then work with the support of the TA in the class to allow for smaller ratios and more targeted intervention. Interventions records will be kept and each group of children below expectations will have an overview in place which details the gaps to be addressed. This will be reviewed half termly and during data meetings.
Health, Fitness and Wellbeing
We believe that the pace of school life needs to be slower in order for pupils to securely acquire, develop and embed key knowledge and skills. This will enable them to become good learners who are more able to widen their curriculum knowledge. We recognise that during lockdown, restrictions of time, space, facilities and resources have meant that many of our children were not able to engage in physical activities. The provision of daily physical activities is important therefore to redevelop stamina, fitness and a healthy lifestyle. We also recognise that many of our pupils will also have developed interests and strengths during lockdown which can be accessed and utilised further. These will include hobbies and interests, enhanced digital skills, timetabling and self-study behaviour etc. Exploring these strengths further will enhance pupils’ ability to reach their full potential and outcomes.
Who will benefit from the funding?
From September, 2020, all children across the school have undertaken high-quality assessments in reading, writing, phonics / spelling and maths. Through careful analysis of this assessment data, teachers have identified groups of children that will benefit from ‘Catch-up’ support or other interventions in order to enable them to close gaps in understanding and attainment including disadvantaged pupils
School Overview
Number of pupils in school YR – Y6 | 409 (Reception-Year6) |
Proportion of disadvantaged | 112 children (27%) |
Catch-up Premium allocation (No. of pupils x £80) | £32800 ‘catch-up’ funding to support interventions |
Publish Date | 22/ 10/20 |
Review Dates | March 2021 Spring term. |
Statement created by | S Magan |
Governor Lead | TBC |
Context of the school and rationale for the strategy (With specific reference to the impact of COVID 19)
Our proportion of disadvantaged pupils across the school is relatively high compared to both a local and national picture at 27% and 112 children in total. |
Engagement in remote learning between March and June was higher in Upper Key Stage 2. It was lowest in Year 3 and Year 4. Pupils in Reception and Key stage 1 did engage with work packs and parents collected these on a fortnightly basis to a greater extent During class closures engagement increased significantly to 90% and above. |
Upon re-opening on September 2020 we had a good response to children coming back to school. Attendance was stable across all year groups upon return and we had only three parents who voiced concerns about children returning. Two parents decided to home school their children - Reception children were brought back on a staggered basis over 2 weeks to ease the transition process since visits were not possible during Summer 2020 due to Covid 19. |
Due to our school being fully closed over the summer holiday period, no school based or remote learning took place over the summer break. From a school management point of view this was crucial in terms of teacher workload and their mental health and emotional wellbeing. This allowed for teachers to come back to what will be a very stressful and tiring term in Autumn 2020 with renewed energy and professional focus. |
As a staff we have discussed the need for the use of consistent beginning of year baselines within Reading, Writing and Mathematics using formative assessment. The staff have jointly agreed baselining using the key indicators from the National Curriculum. This has supported staff in knowing which concepts have been taught and which have only been partially taught and will be used in planning activities for formative assessment. Standardised assessments to assess reading and phonics as well as arithmetic in maths and grammar will ensure that we have and consistency across all year groups and cohorts. We have agreed that these baselines will be carried out by the end of October for each of the key areas of Maths, Reading and Writing. This has been broken down into smaller assessment focusing on a very specific area (place value, decoding etc.) across the half term. Regular meetings will take place with Phase Leaders across the term and assessments meetings will take place half termly to review progress. At this point we will discuss as a staff what the baseline results are telling us in terms of which children across year groups have regressed in terms of their learning and then SLT will work the teacher to see how best to provide support and interventions across Reading, Writing and Mathematics. This will support teachers in identifying pupils for the Catch up Premium who will then be provided with support and interventions using the following funding amounts:
Barriers to future attainment
| Barrier | Desired outcome | ||||
| A | Staff need to develop a greater understanding of children’s mental health needs in order to be able to help and support children who may have been affected adversely by closures and Covid 19. | Staff are better informed and have greater clarity about how to support children with mental health needs. Following training staff will feel confident to deliver a more informed universal offer and also targeted support. This needs to be a focus of weekly teaching throughout 2020. | ||||
B | Home learning is limited due to access pupils have to digital platforms at home. Phones were a large part of home learning during lockdown and google classroom will difficult to access in this way. The number of children needing a device to access home learning is 42 children in KS 2 and 18 children in KS 1. | A strong remote learning offer to be in place. A new and improved platform is in place and all staff are trained in its use (specialist and teacher led training for google classroom). All KS 2 Home learning from September half term will be set online with KS 1 and EYFS will be introduced to Google classroom in the Spring and Summer Term. Year 1 and Year 2 will access phonics videos on line from the Spring Term ad Year 2 will access google classroom for home learning from the summer term. Identified pupils will have access to a laptop or tablet by March 2021 – | |||||
C | To focus upon strategies and support which Develop greater resilience and self confidence in our children. | To have an overall increase in children’s resilience and self-confidence by the end of summer term 2021 supported by PSHE and Recovery curriculum. This will take place through the CLIPS ( commissioned Clinical Psychology in Schools) programme | |||||
| D | Continue to develop the quality of teaching through CPD and mentoring | Good teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for their pupils. Ensuring every teacher is supported and prepared for the new year is essential to achieving the best outcomes for pupils. Providing opportunities for professional development is important. Almost all schools will also have made significant adjustments to organisational and logistical aspects of school life. Ensuring teachers have training and support to adjust to these changes is likely to improve the quality of teaching as all pupils return to school. Early career teachers, who may have had opportunities to develop their practice curtailed by school closures, are particularly likely to benefit from additional mentoring and support.
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| E | The lack of capacity within the school to support children’s lost learning in a tailored and specialist way. To use September baseline assessments to ascertain exactly where all children are in relation to their age related learning in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. | Pupils make accelerated progress in key areas from their starting points at the beginning of the autumn term 2020. To obtain specialist training for phonics teaching and access on line videos to support learning at home. Research Pixel to support gap analysis and targeted interventions for children in KS 1 and KS 2 pupils
| ||||
F | English levels of learning decreased through limited access to reading materials during the summer term and therefore, their reading ages may be lower than expected at the beginning of Autumn 2020. Writing levels may have decreased due to lack of writing by hand and sustaining the length of writing using electronic devices | Reading skills are much improved and accelerated progress in reading ages to be demonstrated on a term by term basis from Autumn 2020 to Summer 2021. Teachers will have targeted reading books linked to phonics ability for each child still learning to decode. Handwriting practice to target pupils and OT and support muscle development and control when writing. | |||||
G | Some children may have forgotten key principles of phonics and this can be a clear impediment to all learning. | We achieve our usual high phonics levels across KS 1 and EYFS. | |||||
| H | Opportunities for speaking and listening in English reduced through lockdown will impact on conversing and socialising with others. This will impact on confidence, writing, active engagement egg giving explanations and demonstrating understanding, exchanging and developing ideas etc. within lessons. | Opportunities for paired talk in the classroom. Team games that support cooperation and discussion alongside PSHE session to enable children to express their thoughts, feelings and views. Planned language structures with in lessons to support children with sentence construction. | ||||
| I | Some pupils may struggle to settle back into school and class routines. They may have a limited concentration due to the prolonged lack of routines and structured learning experiences or from difficult living arrangements during school closures. Changes in circumstances may make some families more vulnerable. Pupils physical wellbeing may have deteriorated as they have been unable to exercise through the lockdown period | All pupils are able to focus on their learning during lessons and concentration levels show a marked improvement over 2020/2021. Families are supported in accessing funding and support in a number of areas and feel they can come to school with their challenges.
Dilly activities such as the Daily Mile and exercise of an aerobic type nature are to be more prominent in the curriculum to support a healthy lifestyle | ||||
J | Children have experienced loss, DV, bereavement or stress related to a sharp change in circumstance. | All children and families feel supported at their time of need. They feel comfortable to share their problems with us to gain support. |
Teaching priorities for current academic year i.e. Professional development and support.
Barrier | Action | Desired outcome | Evidence source | Cost | Baseline data | Person responsible | Impact/ evaluation (autumn, spring, summer) |
A+C | All staff to receive ongoing CPD in relation to the bespoke Recovery curriculum for Ealing schools. Each week we will have teacher led sessions with the recovery curriculum. Training for anxiety and attachment will also be delivered.
| All staff are equipped for early recognition of children’s mental health needs.
The profile of PSHE/wellbeing continues to be throughout school and lessons are taking place on a weekly basis supported by our recovery curriculum. This will support the mental health and emotional and social needs of all of our children. | The Recovery and PSHE curriculum have shown to improve pupil’s positive engagement with each other in various situations and to improve their levels of emotional and mental wellbeing. | Inset time and delivery. | Feedback from pupils, teachers and parents | PSHE coordinator to facilitate the project delivery.
| Autumn term 2020.
A+C | Pupils to have session with CLIPS to support pupils with events during lockdown and metacognitive practices such as resilience | Pupils can confidently express their feelings linked the current events
Pupils are engaged in learning and settle back in to friendship groups, routines of school
Pupils are engaged in learning
Pupils are confident and show resilience if there was to be a second wave
| Feedback from CLIPS
Feedback from pupils through their class teacher and surveys
Evidence of engagement in remote learning if a year group bubble was to close or there was to be a second lockdown | CLIPS cost(accounted for in school budget) | Feedback from parents, pupils and teachers | SENCO to facilitate implementation alongside CLIPS provider | Autumn 2020 |
B |
CPD provided for staff on the effective use of the new online learning platform (google classroom)... Children are trained in its use after this starting with KS 2. Weekly classroom lesson will happen throughout Autumn term. Year 2 will start after Christmas holiday. |
The new platform is in place and staff, pupils and parents are able to use it effectively by beginning of |
To use classroom as an effective learning platform – initial training for staff in September 2020 with via internal staff
Staff to attend on line webinars linked to on line learning
Training and DfES funded support |
Survey will be taken with teaching staff |
IT subject lead –
Remote learning lead
HT to provide project overview.
| Staff training in first half of Autumn term 2020 on remote learning using the Google Platform
Parents/carers are made aware of the platform and how it can support and develop and extend home learning. Focus on training the children. Devices available for all pupils if needed.
| Spring term 2021.
Home learning (homework) and communication with parents is enhanced
Parents have understanding of using Google classroom (possible use of parent/ pupil surveys and questionnaires) |
Effective parental engagement supports home/online learning and ensures greater consistency of learning for children.
Possible use of Parental surveys and questionnaires to ascertain information
Bilingual and community translation support available especially for new EAL parents |
. |
D | Continue to develop the quality of teaching across the school and the use of good formative assessment to identifying gaps in learning | CPD linked to Rosen shine’s principles of learning
Principles are embedded into classroom practice
Teachers use principles within planning for retrieval practice
RQT’s are confident returning to school and have reviewed their practice to identify and implement their next steps
| Learning walks identify principles of questioning and modelling within planning and classroom practice.
Retrieval practice is planned for and outcomes of this is observed in planning and assessment
Interventions are supported by formative assessment ascertained through classroom practice
Phase Leader support for RQT’s | £600 for external training
Cost of training by internal staff
Monitoring by Phase leaders | Monitored through Learning walks | HT for overall budget
DH and HT - CPD programme
Phase Leaders and DH – monitoring quality of teaching and mentoring staff | Spring 2021 |
Targeted academic support i.e. structured interventions, small group tuition, 1:1 support
Barrier | Action | Desired outcome | Evidence source | Cost | Baseline data | Person responsible | Impact/ evaluation (autumn, spring, summer) |
| Reading, Writing and Maths assessments made in September 2020 and then at 4/5 week intervals for all key core curriculum areas. Will identify children in need of further targeted support.
Targeted and set phonics groups by Oct half term
Retrieval practice built in top daily lessons in maths and in English. Planned revisiting.
Overview of key indicators taught in each year group to be completed in September 2020 to identify gaps in subject matter taught.
Long Term overviews to be altered in light of above information
| Progress is accelerated term by term to ensure pupils are able to access age appropriate learning resources and teaching/learning. Majority of children to be at, or above age related expectations by end of Summer term 2021.
At least in line with their end of KS assessment in EYFS/KS1
Progress indicates that it has accelerated to catch up with yearly expectations | Initial September baseline assessments in key identified areas.
Ongoing teacher assessments during each term.
End of year baseline assessments in July 2021 to be used to give impact evidence over 2020/2021. | To be determined as we progress into 2020/2021. | Determined from assessments made at the start of the autumn term 2020.
End of year baselines to be used – July 2021. | DHT strategic overview.
English and Maths leads within school.
Class teachers on an ongoing basis.
Subject lead for science | Autumn 2020
F+G+H |
Targeted support from “Online Tutors” (National Tutoring Programme) | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC |
F+H | Afternoon and after school clubs for Reading , Writing and Maths Interventions
. | Pupils access intervention and booster in the usual way with a key focus on assessments that have identified gaps, in learning starting with those that were on track and are now working just below ARE in each subject.
Teaching staff in school to deliver the interventions whilst class covered
Teaching staff assigned to key individuals for targeted individuals
Disadvantaged pupils are targeted within the catch up at all times
The focus in the first term will be on reading, phonics and maths
Targeted groups for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3/4 phonics in Autumn term. |
Ongoing school based attainment and progress trackers across each term in 2020/2021. | Teacher costs and supply Costs to be determined after we see numbers of children identified as needing catch up support from initial September 2020 baselines across key areas. |
| HT for allocation of support costs.
English coordinator and Maths coordinator.
Phase Leader - organising and tracking interventions
DH overview of interventions in school
Class teachers to orgainse catch up groups | Spring 2021
Summer 2021
F+H | Introduction of PiXL for teacher assessment, targeted interventions and gap analysis of skills | Interventions are tight and specific leading to pupils accelerating progress to ensure that they were on track from December 2019 assessments.
Pupils are on track based on KS1 data
Intervention staff are trained in delivering high quality programmes based on the therapies | PIXL assessment tracker
End of term assessments
Staff are confident in delivering programmes | £1200 leading to £2700/per year | Determined from ongoing termly data | HT for allocation of costs
DT – liaising with PiXiL and implementing programme | Summer 2020 |
Wider strategies i.e. Behaviour approaches, mental health and social/ emotional support...
Barrier | Action | Desired outcome | Evidence source | Cost | Baseline data | Person responsible | Impact/ evaluation (autumn, spring, summer) |
I | To embed our tried and tested behavioural approaches with our children Across all year groups in Autumn 2020 and beyond. Co-construct classroom rules so they encapsulate COVID safe routines and practices.
To ensure that all children understand expectations and relationships between adults and children across school.
To encourage all staff to access emotional wellbeing / behaviour training as it becomes available during 2020/2021 (some session have already been completed) | To maintain the high / positive levels of behaviour that we expect from our children
To support staff with transitioning into school
To enable pupils to transition back into school | Much work was done by class teachers during the March2020-July2020 Covid 19 school closure in order to maintain the Family ethos and approach that we strive for as a school –
Children still have that good relationship with staff in school and this should provide a Positive starting point for behaviour management during 2020/2021.
Policies were drawn up linked to behaviour and where necessary resources were provided to enable these to be implemented
CLIPs to support the transition for teachers and pupils on an individual and group basis | CLIPs accounted for through the school budget
Training and CPD costs to be determined as and when required.
Play Therapy accounted for through the school budget
Class based ongoing teacher assessments of children’s emotional and behavioural needs during Autumn 2020 and beyond.
HT to overview process.
SENCO to liaise with CLIPS & Play Therapist
Staff to attend CPD as and when they feel they require it.
| Autumn 2020
I+J | Ragini Patel to continue her role in supporting any families who may be feeling vulnerable have worries or are emotionally in need of support. This support can also take the shape of practical services and sign posting. One 2 one sessions to assess benefit applications, funding, grant applications, housing, DLA/food and clothing needs and any other support structures.
| Children and their families to feel that they have a supportive and approachable point of contact if they are feeling any mental anxiety or are in need of emotional support or resources
| Evidence to be ongoing by observing our children in and around school. | Allocate time for RP | September baseline observations to be discussed with teaching staff in early staff meeting in September to see if any children have been identified
Number of parents supported during the lockdown period and from September | RP and SENCO to coordinate . | Autumn 2020. |
I+J | Continue to reflect on the role of CLIPS in supporting not just children but the wider family.
Supporting children who have had loss, change in circumstances or bereavement to have a bespoke offer of support. HT and SENCO to prioritise pupils and manage caseload. | Maintain emotional and practical support for families and pupils. | Feedback from staff and families. | CLIPS costs and additional NLP if needed.
Play Therapist to support identified pupils | Observations from staff and feedback from Welfare calls during lockdown. | HT and SENCO | Autumn 2020 |
J | Daily exercise routines and the employment of a lunchtime play leader to engage pupils in exercise and the development of stamina, levels of alertness, coordination, communication, ability to follow instructions etc.
The play leader will also enable children to reform social and friendship groups promoting cooperation, sharing and speaking and listening. | Pupils social skills are developed and maintained Children are retaught how to play within social and friendship groups
Children participate in more physical activities and maintain their physical health | Social interactions in the playground improve and develop
Pupils cooperate and participate in games during play and lunch times
Pupil’s stamina and physical health improves
| Cost of Play leader Cost of PE teachers | Assessments by PE Lead
Observations by Class teachers
Learning walks during Play and lunch times | PE Lead HT for budget | Autumn 2020
Summer 2021 |
Additional funding supporting provision
We have baselined all children in the school using a combination of TA and formal low stakes assessments. We have a priority group of children identified and have now started recruiting a specialist teacher of phonics and maths for daily intervention. Other children are access a combination of QFT, Pre Teach Boosters and fixed interventions. Pupils with SEND have also been baselines and now have updated IEPs which have been shared with parents.
Governance – monitoring the effectiveness of the Pupil Catch-Up Premium Strategy
Autumn 2020 summary |
Spring 2021 summary
Summer 2021 summary