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Tudor Primary School

Parent Courses

Subject: REVISED: For Circulation to Ealing Parents of Black Caribbean Children: Training - An Introduction to Black British History


Dear Parents of Black Caribbean children and young people


Hoping the start of the new year is going as well as it can, despite the current circumstances.


Parents’ Training

We are keen to offer this exciting and free online presentation to Ealing parents of Black Caribbean children (alongside their children) who attend an Ealing early years setting, school and /or access a local authority service or community organisation.


In November 2019, ‘Challenging Disproportionality and Cultural Competence’ training was delivered to our Ealing No Learner Left Behind (Black Caribbean Achievement) Project’s pilot schools and early years settings. It was also provided to other early years settings, schools and local authority colleagues, recently in December 2020.


Therefore, we are keen to ensure that our Ealing parents of Black Caribbean children, alongside their children, are able to receive some training input too.  This is particularly as the project’s approach is to foster genuine and meaningful partnerships between early years settings; schools; parents of Black Caribbean children; Black Caribbean children and young people; and community organisations.


The details of this free online presentation are as follows:


  • Date: Wednesday 17th February 2021 (half-term)
  • Time: 4-5pm
  • Method: Zoom – the link will be provided after booking on to the course
  • Booking: Parents book by emailing, and stating their name, and the name of their early years setting / school / community organisation  (Places will be allocated on a first-come-first serve basis)
  • Target Audience: Ealing Parents of Black Caribbean children (and their children / young people)
  • Presentation:

An Introduction to Black British History

This interactive whistle stop presentation is a potted history of Black Peoples’ presence in the United Kingdom starting from the Roman Empire and incorporating the Tudor, Georgian, Victorian eras and the arrival of the Windrush generation up to the present day.  The presentation includes aspects of British race relations and its impact on Black and White communities and covers the race riots in the 1950’s and the national uprisings during the 1980’s.   


This presentation includes an information sheet detailing teaching resources for parents and sources of further information so parents can continue to learn and teach their children.


Future Training

This initial training session has been commissioned as part of the Ealing No Learner Left Behind (Black Caribbean Achievement) Project, and therefore has a focus on providing training for parents of Black Caribbean children.  Also, we are currently exploring the possibility of future training being provided for parents of Black Caribbean children that aligns with that of the training that is being provided for our early years settings and schools.


Additionally, we are exploring the possibility of the aforementioned parents’ training also being offered to parents of children of all ethnicities in the future too.


Ethnicity Terminology

The term ‘Black Caribbean’, used within the No Learner Left Behind (Black Caribbean Achievement) Project and within this email, aligns with that of the School Census ethnicity terminology. However, we acknowledge that many Black people of Caribbean heritage may identify themselves as African / African-Caribbean / Black / Black British, as opposed to the term ‘Black Caribbean’.


We look forward to you and your children / young people attending the up-and-coming training.