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Tudor Primary School

Southall Active Travel Consultation

Let’s Go Southall

is a local initiative to get the town of Southall more physically active. Funded by Sport England and driven by Ealing Council, we have brought together local community groups, businesses, faith groups, charities, volunteers and a variety of service providers (including the NHS) to help people in Southall to get moving.


We are currently working with Ealing Council on the 'Southall Active Travel Consultation'.


The aim of this is to better understand from people living, working and visiting Southall:

  1. How do they currently travel around Southall?
  2. What barriers do they face whilst walking, cycling or using public transport in Southall?
  3. Which type of interventions would encourage them to walk, cycle and use public transport more?

All of these are important inputs to help shape the future of active travel within Southall. These will make an impact on our lives in Southall and will lead to cleaner, safer and greener places for us and our future generations.


We would appreciate it if you could add the attached post to your newsletter and encourage your users to take part in this consultation.


The survey can be filled by scanning the QR code on the post and by clicking this link: