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Tudor Primary School

Careers Day

 Our aim was to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways. Careers Day at Tudor was definitely a great day for the children to explore and be inspired about their future prospects, children came into school dressed up as doctors, nurses, footballers, pilots, chefs, police officers, construction workers, and even army cadets. 


We were very delighted to welcome Miss Atanasova who works in Civil Engineering, children learned how she helped build the Chanel Tunnel including her work in the following traffic tunnels;

•Railway – trains

•Highway – cars, trucks.

•Pedestrians or cyclists

Utility tunnels:

•Waste water

•Power cables

•Oil or gas


Our second speaker was Miss Aminu, from Mother Lee's Garden, a self-employed Day care center entrepreneur, who started off as a lawyer and now runs her own art and daycare center. She talked about 

•Childcare Services

•Creative and Connected using Art and creating her own Art. 

•Community Events and Social Enterprise

•Supporting children and young people to adopt a Growth mindset to deal with everyday life. 

•Parenting skills with Growth skills approach